Girl Meets World

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Rhiannon's POV

I am in a hurry to get to the Gymnastics hall. I was supposed to be taking an earlier train, but I had to stay at school for a bit longer to sort some things out, so I missed that train, which is why I have to take this one, and unless I don't hurry from the subway station to the hall, I'll be late for my practice. 

I'm not holding a pole, why should I? I'm too busy going through the notes about the routine I'm currently trying to learn, imagining it in my head. 

The train halts to a stop very suddenly, and almost everyone around is jerked back. Fortunately, even though I am not holding on to a pole, thanks to my endless hours of training gymnastics, I manage to keep my balance. 

In a matter of seconds, some unknown boy is standing right behind me, I have no idea why. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He seems just the type of boy my sister would go weak in her knees for, but I'm not interested in him in the least. 

"Um, what exactly are you trying to do?" I turn to him with a questioning gaze. 

"To help you keep your balance, obviously," he answers as if it really was obvious, but it is not. 

"Do I look like I need help? Or like I would ask you to help me?" I snap at him slightly. I am not some Damsel in distress who needs saving.

"Um... Never mind. I'm Lucas Friar by the way, if you wanted to know," he introduces himself to me although it was uncalled for. 

"Thank you for informing me, it is kind of you, but I really didn't intend to ask and definitely wasn't interested in knowing," I state honestly. 

"Now it is your cue to tell me your name," he implies. 

"Charlotte Robinson." Why should I give some random stranger my real name? It's not like we'll ever meet again. And I'm pretty sure I won't remember the name Charlotte Robinson even one hour from now. 

"Well Charlotte, maybe we'll see each other around somewhere so it's good that we get to know each other-" he is interrupted when the train arrives at a station. Quickly, I realize it is my station and I sprint off the train, not looking back at Lucas once. 

Next day at school

I rush to my history class about five minutes after the bell rang. I try to be on time whenever I can, but it's not my fault when my practice drags on too long. I put a note from my coach on my father's desk but he barely notices it, because he's too engaged in the conversation with Riley, aka my older twin sister. Nothing new. They are talking about some fake note Maya wrote for Riley, apparently. 

My father turns to the rest of us, "Okay, let me get back to jamming some learning in your heads. The Civil war."

"A war we fought against ourselves," Riley states but she doesn't sound content with knowing that.

"What, you actually studied it?" father asks confused.

"No I'm actually living it." Riley smacks her head on the desk. Of course, leave it to my sister and she'll make drama out of absolutely anything.

The door to the classroom opens abruptly, someone is apparently even more late then I. When I see who enters, I find it hard to hide my shock. Good thing I don't have to. It's Lucas, the guy from the subway, the one who thought I need saving. Great. Now he thinks my name is... I don't even remember which name I told him. Pretty sure it wasn't Rhiannon Matthews, though. Well, whatever. It's not like I plan on making any efforts to get to know him or have conversations of any kind with him. If he is like what I expect him to be, he woouldn't want that anyway.

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