Penny & Juliet

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Preparing myself for my shoot today, I run my small hands through my wavy blonde hair. It hangs all the way to my waist when it's down and parted in the middle of my scalp. Sometimes it does what it wants, not that I would let it. The same goes for people. They think they can just try to do whatever they want whenever they want me.

My legs hold a steady pace down my driveway. The wind whirls around my body and pushes up against my face. Breathing is suddenly a challenge. I inhale deep breathes and glance down to see the skirt of my uniform starting to hinge up my butt, earning a groan out of my mouth. Reaching down to pull down at my skirt, I noticed a girl with sun color-like hair waving to me from my upside down view.

I have to keep my composure whenever I am around her. My mind's cluttered, musty mess. I'm unable to speak straight without stuttering. I've never felt this feeling in the duration of my entire life and I've dated plenty of people. "Hi, Penny!" Flashing her a smile I reach for her soft hands.

"Hi, Jul..." She twirls her mess of a hair in her other hand. Her hair is a bright mixture of bright red and orange, kind of like a blazing star, and is the curliest hair I've ever seen. Observing her plump lips pout, I pat her back.

"C' mon let's go to school!" My hand rubs her palm in a circle. My heart begins to beat faster from the sudden change in touch. Shit.


The balls of my feet switch its weight onto the soles of my shoes back and forth. My fingers fidget with my backpack straps, the tips rub against the leather bands. They feel nice and help calm my anxiety at times. I breathe in the nice dewy smell of the grass. Dew on the grass drip water droplets onto the soil, infiltrating the ground at a steady pace. It must've rained last night pretty hard deciphering from how green and damp the field looked.

My house was right next to my best friend Juliet's on the right and I always wait for her to walk to school because she insists it's self-care or something along those lines. Her house is huge compared to mine. It's in the brink of being called a mansion. Her home is three stories high, painted white and is aligned perfectly along her extended driveway to her. A fountain of a swan is in the middle of the front yard. Its elegant marble beak disposes the water out of itself and around its body, a lot like a bath. The fountain is a bonus to the symmetrical look of the house. The gates surrounding her whole 5,000 square feet yard to stop me from coming in and telling her to hurry up.

I'm always more than welcome there, even her butler knows me but it's better to wait for her instead. After all, I'd rather not have to relive the naked incident again.

My cheeks flush in remembrance of the scene; I was yelling at my friend to hurry up while storming to her room to only find her in a bralette and panties. She seemed to be flustered too judging by the fact that she hid her upper body with her navy blue blazer.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I glance over to see Juliet bending over to fix her skirt. I wave to get her attention which causes her to give me her infamous smile. Her smile causes her cute two little dimples to appear that I love so dearly.

Her hands reach for my cold ones which instantly warm them up and well my whole body too. My face is heating up even though, I know this is just something friends do all the time.

My stomach starts to twist in knots as we are near the school. The brick prison is a bit bigger than Juliet's house. Which is a ton.

I hate this part of the day. Seeing people staring at me again as though they are burning their eyes through my entire body. Their eyes are lasers that burn through my baggy fatigue of clothes to uncover my disgusting body. Huge crowds and loud noises don't fit well with me.  I always want to curl up in a hole and hide whenever I arrive in the morning.

I completely despise how my stomach is always bigger than the other girls. It bulges out and my waist is really wide which makes me feel more like a man than a girl in this stupid uniform. Whenever I'm in the gym I hide in a bathroom stall to change to avoid making any contact with any people.

It also doesn't help that I have freckles all over my face, along my shoulders and legs. They cover me everywhere making it impossible for me to not stand out in a crowd. 

At times, I wish I could just be homeschooled. Where no one outside my family can see me. Just me at home with a good book along with my cat curled up on my lap.

I guess I was spacing out because my now sweaty hands are gripping onto Juliet's to death. "Sorry!"

"It's going to be okay, Pen. I promise." She grins and wraps her arms around me.

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