Chapter 3

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Ty's POV

I woke up in a dark room. ' where am I? ' I thought. I tried to speak but I couldn't. I started panicking and suddenly the walls started closing in on me. ' I have to get out if here!!!!! ' I curled up in a ball on the floor, but that only made it worse. I started getting flashbacks of when my dad would lock me in the closet, and how my brother still does it now. Then, everything

changed. It was a nice day, and I saw me and Adam as kids running around a big oak tree. The grass started dying, the leaves on the trees started to burn and turn to ash, everything was gone. the only thing left were embers flying around me, and the tree was still there, but it was just a big lump of charcoal. Suddenly I woke up next to Adam. We were both bruised and bleeding, and I think a few of my cuts might have opened up. Yeah, I cut. I don't want to see Adams face if he finds out. I need to wake him up first, then we need to go to the nurses office. ' I'm glad to see him, but I just don't want him to get hurt again. '

A/N did you like the chapter???? TELL ME!!!!!!! X{ ) Ok.... I've had too much sugar... Bai!!!!!

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