
Loki's POV

Loki smiles contently as he, through the use of magic, watches as the Scarlet Witch stops the Avengers from even leaving the Compound. Sighing, he stops controlling Wanda's body. Fun can only last so long, Wanda.

"Where did you take [Y/N]? Wherever you are, we'll find you!"

And I welcome your attempts, but you won't find her. She's my little pet now, and you won't be getting her back.


Loki doesn't respond, and cuts Wanda's end of the communication. Loki focuses on his reality: a living room with sparse amounts of furniture. He gently places [Y/N] on a sofa, brushing [H/C] hair out of her face, smiling.

Now, for the next phase of my plan.


Your POV

You wake up, your head throbbing. You groan, neck sore, presumably from sleeping in an odd position. You wake up in a sitting position, but you don't want to get up yet, so you try to go back to sleep. You can't hear anything around you, so you assume the other Avengers have dealt with everything. Unable to sleep, you move your arm to rub your sore neck. Except, your arm is being stopped at your wrist from moving by something coarse.

You flicker your eyes open, curious to know what is happening. The room you're in is dark, and it takes a few minutes for your pupils to dilate. Squinting, still not adjusted to the lack of lighting, you look to see where you are. You see a table with some items on it, but you can't tell what the items are. Beside the table is a chair and a bar stool. The floors are tile and the walls are cement. You shiver, the temperature being lower than you'd like. A few lights dangle from the ceiling, but aren't turned on. A heavy looking steel door is several feet in front of you. You move your attention to yourself. You're seated on a semi-comfortable wooden chair. Your arms are stuck to the sides. You bend over to see that your wrists and arm just below your shoulders are tied to the chair. Growing steadily worried, you struggle against the coarse rope, but you can't unravel it. Curious, you kick your legs, or, rather, try to kick your legs. You bend as far forward as you can to see ropes tying your ankles to the wood in the chair near the bottom, attaching the two front legs together.

Where the heck am I? you think as you struggle against the bonds. You recount everything you can remember since Thor came back. Loki's on Earth. He was in Queens, so you and the other Avengers went and captured him. Steve asked you to interrogate Loki. During the interrogation, the others were attacked and Loki attacked you. He used magic to stop you from using your powers. Then he said something odd, something about time to improve your skill. Before you could ask what the heck he was talking about, he knocked you out. Oh, gosh! Did Loki kidnap me?!

You try everything to escape. You try physical strength (not strong enough to break the ropes), your powers (still can't use them), and undoing the knots (too complex to do with one hand), but it was all in vain.

"Hello, my darling," a smug voice says. You look up and see Loki standing a few feet away at you, smirking at your plight. While you were preoccupied trying in vain to escape, he must've entered the room.

"What do you want?" you say hostilely.

"Touchy, aren't we?" Loki mused. "I want a lot of things, and you happen to be one of them. One of the few things I want that I have, in fact."

"Why me?"

Loki comes closer, right next to your chair and begins to circle around you. "Several reasons."


"Oh, I couldn't stand abducting some of your friends. Insufferable, I tell you! I applaud you for the patience you must have to live in the same building as them. I considered Captain Rogers and Miss Maximoff, but you fit my other requirements better than they do."

"And what are your other requirements?" you ask, getting annoyed with Loki's vague answers.

"Now, let's save that for later, my dear," Loki says as he plays with your hair as he circles around you. You straighten and tense as he does.

"Let me go!" you say desperately.

"I'm afraid I can't, my pet." Loki comes in front of you. He reaches his hand out, and you flinch. He places a cold hand on your face, shifting your gaze to lock into his piercing green eyes. He is gentle, but firm. You hold your breath, terrified. "You're going to stay down here as long as I need you here. As you know, magic is hindering the use of your powers. You're bound with Asgardian rope—even if you had a mortal knife, you wouldn't be able to cut them." Loki moves his hand and you exhale. He brushes your hair behind your ears as he smiles gently. "But fear not, my darling. I don't intend to hurt you. In fact, you're much safer now that I have you. You're friends, I'm not so sure what will become of them yet."

"You do with one of them. You mind controlled my friend!"

"Oh, yes, the Scarlet Witch. I did mind control her, didn't I? Don't worry, as of right now, none of your friends are hurt. She and I had a nice little telepathic conversation while I abducted you, and the rest of the team won't think she betrayed you. And I can turn the mind control on and off. It's off, for now, at least." Loki moves behind you and puts his cold hands on your neck. You try to get away from his hands, but the bonds don't let you move much. He begins to massage your neck in its sore spots, which, on the one hand, feels really good, but on the other hand creeps you out. "Have you ever been abducted before?" Loki asks quietly.

"N-no," you say nervously. You are new to being a superheroine, and, despite the commonness of the risk, you had yet to be captured by the enemy.

"I wouldn't expect so. Captain Rogers and Miss Maximoff seemed quite protective of you, as I'd assume the rest of your team is. If another were to capture you, that would be unfortunate for the captor." He pauses, and you sit, struggling a little, tense, while Loki massages your neck. "I'd assume you've heard...negative things about captivity. While I'm sure it's still not the best situation you could be in, I certainly won't treat you foully. In this instance, you are both my captive and my guest. Does this feel better?" Loki moves his hands away from you and you gasp in surprise. What used to be pain has changed into some other sensation. It isn't numb, no, you can feel it. It's more like the feeling you get when you are in a hot tub: relaxed, loose, pleasurable.


"Magic. But tell me, does it feel better, or do I need to try another sensation?"

"Yeah, it feels better," you say in amazement.

"Anything for my guest."

"Anything? How about freedom?"

"I can only kidnap one Avenger, my pet. I can't kidnap Captain Rogers for you."

"Not that freedom!"

"Hm? What other freedom is there?" Loki says with a joking smile. He heads for the door. "I have places to be, my dear, but I'll return shortly. Don't burn the house down. I've heard that's a farewell expression on Midgard, and it is particularly appropriate now, don't you think?"

"Haha, very funny," you say in annoyance.

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