"Now since we don't have all day, each of you will take turns taking a question and answering it. Some are truths and some are dares, but you have to do each one. So let operation Tododeku commence!" Ururaka said as Izuku and Todoroki stared at each other with blank faces. Operation Tododeku?? What was Ururaka going on about anyways? Who knows.

"I guess we should start so we won't be waiting forever..." Izuku finally said.

"I guess so," Todoroki replied as he made his way over to the desk with the box on it. Izuku sat across from him.

"Do you want me to start?" Izuku questioned.

"If you want to." Todoroki replied. The awkward tension was getting to them. The whole situation was awkward to to begin with, but they had to get it over with.

Izuku reaches his hand in the small box as he took out a small piece of paper and read it out loud.

"You must hold hands until the game is over???" Izuku had to read it a few times before getting the gist of it. Izuku felt his face getting red.

"Well then Midoryia, if you wouldn't mind," Todoroki replied putting out his hand in front of him. When Izuku placed his hand in his he felt his heart racing. Ururaka knew Izuku had always really liked Todoroki and now she might be doing this to get them together and it was agonising.

When Izuku and Todoroki were holding hands on there were a few muffled squeals from the girls outside and a You got this, probably from Kirishima.

"I didn't think they'd get a good one this early," Tsuyu said.

"I think this would be more tolerable with less people keeping watch..." Izuku whispered to Todoroki.

"I agree completely with you, one moment..." Todoroki whispered back as he placed his right foot on the ground and made an ice shield blocking the view of the classroom from windows and the door.

"Hey that's not fair!" Ururaka's muffled voice yelled through the barrier.

"Don't you think that's technically vandalizing?" Izuku worried Todoroki as he shrugged.

"I'll melt it when this whole ordeal is over." Todoroki laughed at it. Izuku and him were in a weird position so Izuku laughed with him. It felt good to laugh it off, whatever this was.

"I guess it's your turn." Izuku told him as Todoroki reached into the small box and took out another small piece of paper.

"What would be your ideal date?" Todoroki read it aloud and he paused before started to talk. Before he did his face turned a light shade of pink.

"I guess my ideal date might be going to get some coffee and then going to the park, maybe? I don't know. Or maybe just staying at home and watching movies while cuddling... probably something like that." By the end of saying that he was covering his face with his other hand that wasn't holding Izuku's.

Izuku didn't know why he was blushing in the first place, but some little part of him hoped it was because he was thinking of going on a date with him. It was short lasting though, why would Todoroki go on a date with him? Right?

I almost was lost in my train of thought before I remembered it was my turn.

"Oh sorry," I said as I reached into the small box. "The paper says, Do you like Momo/Ururaka? And on the bottom it says you both have to answer..." Izuku read the card and he felt his heart sink to the ground. Now he'll have to sit through hearing that Todoroki never liked him in the first place.

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