The energon in both of their bodies warming in embarrassment a little. "If last night made you feel...uncomfortable"

Shade made sure to stop him there. He had struggled to find the right words and now she was worried that he would try to take it back "Please don't" she turned her back to the four sitting down so that her optics were focussed on Predakings face. She looked right up into him making sure he was paying attention to her words. "Do you really think that I would have kissed you back if I felt uncomfortable? If my spark thought that it was wrong"

Predakings spark pulsated at her voice. She didn't regret kissing him and neither did he. His spark spoke out loudly to kiss her then but didn't want to out in the open in front of the others. "I'd be lying if I said that I didn't care about you; that my spark didn't sing for you when we were apart"

She smiled, giggling slightly. He started out under orders to abuse her and ended up loving her? "I'd be lying too" she moved to grab his empty cube and place both of them down. She wanted his full attention but she also wanted him to understand. Understand that she has no allegiance to the decepticons and that she would always protect her family. Shade grasped his servos in hers, rubbing her digits over the tops of his plating. "But I can't ignore what you're doing and who you pledge your loyalty to. I will not abandon my family" that was when she let go of his servos "My spark calls to you too" he couldn't help the big grin that grew on his face plates "but I can't be with you so long as you want to kill someone I love and pledge your loyalty to a murderer" she went to move away towards her window spot but was stopped when Predaking grabbed her arm getting her attention before she would ignore him.

"I promised that I wouldn't hurt him"

"You didn't promise not hurt everyone else though" Shade yanked her arm out of his grasp and moved away, sitting herself down at the window. She could see from the corner of her optics that Predaking was watching her. She understood that what she said may have hurt but to be with him would be to betray everything that she stood for, to betray Optimus. Until Predaking saw what Megatron and the decepticons were for himself properly she would try to keep her distance. Which would get harder the longer she stayed away. Her spark hurting at the thought of it; like it didn't want to lose its other half.

The femme vented lightly trying to keep her cool. Her gaze focussed on the outside world that she was kept from she began to think about Ratchet. The one bot that rarely left the autobot base. He was somewhere on this ship and she needed to find him. She wondered what Megatron wanted with him? If he was okay? Was he being experimented on? It worried her spark further. To distract herself she remembered the times that Ratchet would watch over her while Optimus was on a mission back on Cybertron. Growing up he taught her many things while making sure that she was on top of her training with her Sire. The medic always made sure she was doing something productive. Though she wondered if that was because when she was bored she would annoy him while he monitored communications.

One particular memory she was fond of was when Ratchet was ignoring her and she managed to sneak off with Wheeljack on his ship. She would listen to the wreckers war stories and when they eventually returned Ratchet got really protective of her. The old bot would argue with Wheeljack about taking her out of the base without authorisation making sure that it was wielded into his processor that it wasn't safe for her. While every time Wheeljack would argue that Shade needed down time and didn't need to be confined all the time. The memories made a bit of lubricant run down from her optic that she quickly wiped away.

Not one autobot hadn't sealed themselves on to her spark. Even a strict bot like Ultra Magnus. The one bot that made sure she was safe on the battlefield. It sounded funny but he would protect her; watch her back while she fought. He would often instruct her of ways she could perfect her fighting strategies. Most people saw him as a bot that would be hard to get on with but Shade didn't. You just had to be around him for a long time to see that he wasn't as bad as people first see him as. Her processor made her think of each member of her family individually; it all made her realise that she had been gone for a long time. She had not been with her family since Cybertron fell which she guessed was a long time ago now. Thinking of them all, her servo unconsciously lifted to her chest plates where her digits wrapped around her necklace that never left her. Her thumb rubbing over the blue and purple shades of the pendant that represented herself and Arcee.

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