“Wait.” He stopped half way there. “I was just joking don’t you dare think about picking me up!”

        He raised his brow but straighten up so I could get up. I started to get  when he surprised me and stuck his hand out for me to grab. When he saw me raise my brow he said. “What? Can’t I help you up without having to be a jerk about it?”

        I took his hand and he helped me up, as he pulled me to my feet I said. “Yes, but it’s just not you.”

        “Whatever.” He left just as Scott and Ben were coming over.

        “Kitty, Kitty guess what?” Ben was practically jumping up and down.

        “What Ben.” I said as I picked him up.

        “Scott said I can hang out with you guys”

        “Really that’s nice of him. Did you say thank you?” I looked over at Scott and you could see he was upset a little about it. He saw me looking at him and shrugged. I mouthed a sorry feeling bad.

        “Kat it’s fine he doesn’t need to say thank you.” Scott said

        “Alright then let’s get out of here”

        “Whatever you say Kitty” Scott said mocking me.

        “Scott Don’t call me that.” I said as we walked to my car.

                                                                           *        *        *

        Ben had fallen asleep sometime around three, so Scott was happy he could hang out with me without Ben. While Ben was asleep I had a talk with Scott about why I didn’t want a boyfriend. He said that he understood that and that maybe when I was ready he could be my boyfriend. I didn’t even respond to that. As we finished our conversation Ben woke up so I took him and Scott home.

        When I got home Marcus was there with a truck and was putting my bags in. I got out of my car just as he finished and I could see that he looked tired. I walked over to him and he wrapped me in a hug. If you know Marcus you would know he is not much of a hugger. So the hug surprised me.

        “Um Marcus are you okay?” I asked as he let me go.

        “Yes of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

        “For one you look so tired. Are you getting enough sleep?”

        “Yes, but you are the one who gets one hour of sleep or less most nights. So I should be asking if you are okay.”

        “How did you even know that. It doesn’t even matter right now. For two you just hugged me. You don’t usually hug people.”

        He smiled “See I was right. Anyways Claire I am fine and I was just happy to see you.”

        “Marcus don’t call me Claire this weekend please. My name is not Claire anymore its Katerina or you can just say Kat.”

        He lost his smile. “Fine I will call you Katerina instead. But you will always answer to claire if it was me or someone who doesn’t live in this town.”

        “Thank you, and you are wrong I don’t answer to Claire anymore and won’t ever again.”

        He smiled like he knew something I didn’t know. “Whatever, will you just get in the truck?”

The Witch in Blackwoods Tennessee (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now