0. Nights are for Monsters

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The lights of the theater were still on, but the real spectacle had not taken place on stage. The aisles were riddled with the dying and their blood painted the walls and floors. Their faces were still contorted in ghastly agony. Only two figures still stood amongst the terrible carnage looking down at the massacre.

"Any survivors? If you're alive, please make a sound." Victoria called, holstering her gun and then wiping the blood off her face. Her dark uniform contained the insignia of the Hellsing Institution of Danger Eradication, or HIDE for short. She walked down the main aisle sniffing around like a dog looking for a bone.

"Do you sense anything, Master?" Victoria called out to the other figure that stood tall but concealed in the shadows.

"Aye, a bit to your left is one, hiding under the ghoul." His deep voice grumbled almost bored. He had the tiniest trace of an accent. Only the trained ear could hear it and classify it coming from somewhere in eastern Europe.

"Oh! I see her!" Victoria approached the corpse of a ghoul and tossed it aside as if it weighed nothing. Under the corpse, a terrified woman trembled in shock. Victoria cautiously grabbed her arm and pulled her up to a sitting position.

"Hello, I'm Victoria Morris. And you are?" she said sweetly crouching down to her level.

The woman only shook staring at nothing.

"It's alright, you're safe now. No one is going to hurt you." She cooed trying to calm the woman.

The woman finally glanced at Victoria.

"That's it! What's your name?" she smiled.

The woman's eyes widened and she pulled away from Victoria. Unable to keep her eyes from Victoria's fangs. "You're one of them! You're one of the monsters!" The woman said backing away.

"No, no. We're the good guys. We're here to help you!" Victoria said pointing at her badge. "See, we're from HIDE. We killed the monsters that attacked you."

"No, stay away!" the woman ran towards the door, but in the same direction as the man in the shadows.

He stepped in in front of her. "Tell us what happened?" he ordered.

The woman screamed and curled herself into a little ball terrified. Victoria approached the woman and put her hand on her shoulder. "You must forgive my partner. He has no tack. But I promise that nothing will happen to you. You're safe. We won't hurt you."

The woman glanced up at Victoria. "You promise?"

"On my beloved husband's grave." She smiled.

The woman stood up and Victoria led her to one of the empty seats. "Can you tell us what happened?"

The woman gave a small nod. "It happened so fast." Her voice and lip quivered as she tried to form the words. "It was supposed to be a play. He was the lead, my boyfriend. But he started acting weird, not like himself and then, the monsters attacked. They said they would take over the night. Oh god! They were in the audience. And he was one of them. OH GOD! He was one of them!" she held her face in her hands still trying to process everything. "I loved him." She whispered crying.

Victoria looked back at her Master sadly. This woman's life had been destroyed. "I'm so sorry," Victoria said pulling her up. "Let's get you out of here." Suddenly behind Victoria, the man from the shadows stood looking down at the woman grimly.

She looked up at him scared. He was very intimidating. His long dark hair covered on one his red eyes and his fine three-piece suit had red accents. He stopped her from moving and before she could process it his long fangs where at her neck. She had no time to scream as she died. He devoured her and in seconds her lifeless body thumped to the floor.

Victoria stood to the side looking half shocked.

"You didn't have to do that," she said straightening her brown hair that pulled back in an oldfashioned bun. "She was cooperating." she huffed and straightened her skirt.

"Her mind was broken, no amount of therapy could have fixed that. It was a mercy killing," he said heading out not looking back.

"You don't know that. You could have at least erased her memory..." Victoria sighed. "But there's no point arguing with you."

"That's correct," he smirked. "Besides, now we know this attack was part of something bigger."

"Yes, I heard what she said 'we will take over the night' that's nothing new. We've heard that phrase before." Victoria said annoyed.

"There are plots afloat. I don't like it." Alucard said as he kept on walking. There was an awkward pause between them until Victoria sighed.

"You made me break my promise, Alucard." there was disappointment in her voice. "I promised we wouldn't hurt her."

"And now she's in a better place," Alucard said turning back. "Stop thinking about it and let's go, before you get softer." Victoria followed her dark Master out the theater.

"I'll have to report what you did." She sighed.

"I dare you to." He smirked again raising his brows amused. "Let see if you can do it this time."

"Maybe I will!" she said miffed.

"You won't." He replied confidently.

Once they were both out of the building Victoria took out her phone. "Agent Victoria Morris, reporting from Brixton for Division A, investigating the theater attack." She said to her phone. "No survivors after our departure. Awaiting further instruction." she paused for a moment awaiting the reply then hung up the phone. "HQ wants us back," she stated.

"I'll give you a half point on this one." Alucard teased.

"Whatever. Let's go, before you cause more trouble." She rolled her eyes and walked to their car.

"Why? That night is made for monsters like me." Alucard said with a smile. "Tell Eddie, I'll stay out for a bit longer." Then he disappeared into the shadows of the crisp London night.

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