Arthur and John grimaced but withdrew their hands from inside their coats when their brother waved them off.

"Alfie, this isn't your usual haunt." Tommy leaned up against the railing, a cigarette hanging from his lips per usual.

"Yeah, well, the missus has a birthday next week." Alfie rested on his cane to try and ease the pressure off his hips.

"Heard you got married Alfie, how'd you manage to pull that one off?" John asked a smirk crossed his face as he did his best to goad on the unpredictable man.

Michael chuckled and shook his head. "Probably kidnapped her." He added.

"You're, a funny one, ain't you?" He wasn't in the mood to be played with because he was focused on Louise's present. But he wouldn't let the Shelby boys get the last word. "Nah, mate, your brother sent her my way, right?" He placed a hand over his heart. "And she's fucking perfect in every way, innit she, Tommy?"

A hint of a smile crossed Tommy's face but he didn't comment.

"'Course she fucking is. And I tell ya what." Alfie stepped closer to Michael and John. "When you've got your own firm and you've got a right gorgeous woman bent over your desk with a diamond the size of your pea-sized brain on her finger, you call ol' Alfie, and I'll laugh at your jokes all fucking day." Normally, he wouldn't be so crass when talking about his wife. But it was the Shelbys and Louise wasn't there to scold him.

Michael and John stared at him, mildly thrown off by the raunchy description but didn't say anything in return.

"Yeah?" He nodded curtly and gave them a smug look. "Good lads."

Tommy rolled his eyes but smiled. "Right, you lot, fuck off." He said and shooed them away.

"Tom..." Arthur was hesitant as he eyed Alfie suspiciously.

"S'alright, go on." He insisted. The group obliged but stayed on the second floor just in case. "We were happy to hear the wedding went smoothly."

"Yeah, well, we're very happy too. Bought the estate that's been in Louise's family for-fucking-ever. This place, s'got beautiful pastures and a stable. So, figure it could use some animals." Alfie shrugged. "My Lou grew up riding, grew up in a right wealthy family, she did. Now she's got me and I still think she deserves those bits of luxury. And if there's one man who knows best 'bout horses, it's Thomas Shelby. 'Cause I don't know a thing about these fucking beasts." He poked the man in the shoulder.

He smiled and nodded. It was refreshing to see Alfie gushing over spoiling his wife instead of threatening to shoot him. "What did you have in mind for her?"

"She likes them thoroughbreds but those fuckers have hot blood, don't they? Want to get her something safe, even-tempered, sound. Don't want her getting thrown."

"So, you want a horse with a personality opposite of yours." The blue-eyed man teased deadpan and flicked a bit of ash off his cigarette.

"Well, she's got me already, don't think she needs two of me." Alfie was a little more willing to Tommy make jabs at him. He'd probably earned the right a while back after all the times Alfie held a gun to his head.

"Right, I'll help you."

Feeling at ease despite the unfamiliar setting, Alfie set his cane to the side and rested his forearms on the railing in front of them. "Buying another racehorse?"

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