the music video was weird but the song was damn catchy. jay and i danced along to the song and we put it on repeat for a few times. we listened to it enough times to know the lyrics of the chorus.

"i got your picture!" sang jay, pointing to me indicating i sing the next part.

"i'm coming with you!" i sang, pointing to him too.

"dear maria, count me in!" we scream at the top of our lungs, and we laughed right after.

then we moved onto the next song. it was titled 'weightless' and it too was another banger. then we listened to some more songs and we bonded over our new found love and respect for the band named all time low.

there was also this one time where jay just suddenly ran into my room. he had his phone and earphones in his hand and then he shoved one earbud up my ear and said, "listen to this."

he had the other earbud in his ear and he played something.

i could barely understand what the lead singer was singing but it was still catchy and i found myself head banging along the beat. after the song was over, i asked jay what the title was.

"sugar, we're going down by fall out boy."

and that was how jay got me to become emo.

when a strange old man with a long, white beard recruited jay and told him he was destined to be a ninja, i was practically on my knees begging that i come along. it didn't take too long for the old man to agree. he said something about how i could possess something within me considering that i was twins with jay and that a little bit of training could help spark it up.

in all honesty, i didn't care if i was destined to be a ninja or something. i just wanted to be with my brother because nothing could ever separate the walker twins no matter what.

once we got to Sensei Wu's monastery, there were already two guys there. one in a black ninja gi while the other in a white one. jay immediately ran over to them to say hi and introduce himself. i followed him and introduced myself too.

i immediately hit it off with both of them, especially cole since we both have that love for pop punk ( plus he was emo too ).

then a day passed and sensei wu said he will recruit another ninja. we said good bye to him and the lot of us just played video games rather than train like sensei said.

when sensei wu returned that afternoon, he brought over a teen. he reeked of confidence and cockiness and i could already tell we won't get along that well. but then again, there was something about his eyes and his weird hair style that made me think he was cute.

when he saw me, he introduced himself. apparently his name is kai. i told him my name and jay seemed to notice that kai was flirting with me and he decided to intervene.

"you're his sister?!" kai exclaimed in shock.

"twin sister," i corrected.

"you look nothing alike!"

that's true. jay and i look nothing alike but that's because we aren't identical twins rather we're fraternal twins. and yes, he has auburn hair while i have (h/c) hair. he has electric blue eyes and while i still have blue eyes, they were more on the grayish side rather than actual blue. the only thing we have in common ( appearance wise ) is the fact we both have freckles littering our cheeks.

i rolled my eyes at his comment. i didn't really want to be associated with someone that reeked of arrogance and cockiness but that didn't stop kai.

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