"L-let's just go to lunch..." You grumble, leading the way to the cafeteria. After getting your lunch, Alfred lead you to a table where a couple of familiar faces sat. Arthur was glowering at Francis, who was squawking about how "unrefined" Arthur's taste in clothing was and how he should dress more like him. "We're wearing the same outfit you bloody frog!" Arthur snapped, you let out a snicker at the nickname.

        "Hey, guys. This is (Y/n), her friend Ivan, and my br- and Matthew!" Alfred announced, everyone turns their heads to your direction. Francis immediately starts to sob as you sit next to him. "(Y/n), this rude jerk insulted me and my fashion sense!" He whines, you smile sympathetically at him, putting a reassuring hand on his back.

        "Well, did you do something to upset him and make him lash out like that?" You asked, Francis stops sobbing and looks at you in shock, placing a hand on his chest. "(Y/n), I would never! Unless you asked me to." He added that last part quickly and an amused smile makes it's way to your face.

        "(Y/n), you can't possibly be friends with this oafish buffoon!" Arthur gasps, Francis puts and arm around your waist and pulls you closer. "No, we are more then that." He says, winking. You smile and look nowhere in particular. "Francis, I came here to eat food, not throw it up." You say calmly, Francis immediately lets you go as everyone lets out a laugh. 

        "Don't take it to heart, Francis," you say, feeling a little guilty for embarrassing him, "it's just that all that lovey-dovey stuff is gross sometimes, you know?" You say, Francis nods and you look at Arthur. "We're friends, yes. And there's nothing wrong with that." Before Arthur could say anything, Yao walks over and sits down across from you, grumbling.

        "Yao! Dude, meet-" Before Alfred could finish introducing you, Yao interrupts. "Kiku is always angry at me these days. I wish he could see that I care for him. But he doesn't get it! He hates me. He was throwing books at me in the library..." Yao says, stuffing food into his mouth, he looks up and his annoyed and hurt eyes meet your curious ones, he almost chokes on his food.

        "Gah! You're that cute girl! From the library! (Y/n), right?" He asks, you smile awkwardly and nod. He didn't seem to notice that he used the word "cute" while describing you. "Oh jeez... Sorry for letting you hear that. I wasn't expecting you to be here." He says, embarrassed. 

        He then looks to your right, where Ivan was sitting and nearly jumping out of his skin. Ivan stared at him, to you it looked like he was just spacing out, but to everyone else he was threating him with his eyes. "Anyways," you cleared your throat, "Francis you can't expect everyone to have the same taste in fashion as you. You also can't insult how other people dress." You say, Francis sighs and nods.

        "Alright, but just for you, chéri." He says, you have no idea what that means, but you hope it's good. You look at Arthur, an amused smile playing on your lips. "Where'd the nickname frog come from?" You question, stifling a laugh. Arthur crosses his arms and glares at Francis. "They have a lot in common. They're slimy and green." Arthur sneers, but a small smile appears when he hears your laughter.

        "Slimy!? Green!? I'll have you know I am the perfect shade..." Ludwig grimaced when he watched you with them. All those guys. It left an awful feeling inside him and he hated it. "Ludwig!" He jumped when his brother called to him. "Were you even listening to what I was saying?? What are you..." Gilbert trailed off when he noticed where Ludwig was looking.

        "I'm worried about her, too." Gilbert says solemnly. Ludwig nods, turning back to the table. That's why he's feeling this way. That's why he wants you sitting with him. Because he's worried about you. Because you're like his little sister. He needs to protect you. He needs to be there for you. 

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now