Still Kyle was silent and just listening to all their protest.

"Now Kyle what will you do if we get in trouble after you exposed our secret to an outsider.. huh...IF SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN---" Tim shouted and I thought Kyle would just stand there and just keep quiet but I was wrong he cut him off.

"I assure you that, that won't happen since I trust him that he is not like that. And if you are talking about the right time that he wants to betray us and a spy like you say then he should have done it from the start. He had all the right time to expose us from the others..." he spat back to Tim which caught him off guard making him shut up his mouth.

"...he even went to help one of us when we were in trouble.." he said making me remember the time when Kian helped one of us.

"... defended us in front of the teachers knowing that he would be in trouble... but he just defended us like it was nothing.." he said making me remember that incident in the gym where he defended us.

"....and... I was saved by him a number of times. But---" he paused making me look at him and I was surprised there was tears in his eyes and he wipes them. Then he continued talking and faced everyone.

"...I never stand up for him when you fought with him. I just push him away and I choose you instead of standing for him... I feel so guilty. You know that.." he said and I was also struck by those words.

(Yeah... I feel guilty... we didn't even atleast stand up for him. We just pushed him away and stayed back with these people. We didn't even ask for forgiveness knowing that we hurt him... a lot)

Kyle was now already sobbing and the whole class was silent then someone spoke.

"Yeah... he..he also helped me. Even if you haven't noticed I always ask him questions in our subjects and he never got tired of answering it for me" someone said guiltily.

"He also help me when somebody was bullying me one time and I never thanked him because you said that he was just getting to our good side but now I don't see him like that anymore" another one said while looking at Tim who is now just looking away with a pissed look.

"And I will also never forget that time when he saved me in that janitors closet when he first came to this school. I was a stranger to him but still he helped me like I was a friend of him" Someone said and I look at her and she smiled to me.

(I nearly forgot Kian helped her that time and even went to fight with the person who is in the control room that day...) I smiled to her also before looking at the group who is accusing Kian as a spy from the other class.

Everyone was now already standing and slowly going near us making me look at them. I thought that they are going to start a fight but turns out they're only making their stand by going to which side they prefer and I saw that most students went near me and Kyle who is now looking at them confused.

Then I look at the group of Tim who is now wearing a defeated look.

"Okay I give up already. I was just trying to see if we could trust him. No need to get emotional" he suddenly said making all of us release a deep sigh.

"I'm also sorry... I never thought that most of you have already trusted him that much.. Guess I was just caught up of thinking that if we would join that game something bad might happen. Just like what happened... you know" Kyla said honestly without looking at us in the eye and she was rubbing her arms which he usually do when she is nervous.

"Aren't we all afraid, of that to happen?" someone said and I saw that it was Jack.

We all suddenly went silent since we all know what is he talking about and we can't really deny that we are scared as fuck to tell the truth.

High School The Series: Unraveling The SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now