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Hey guys! This is a casual thing for me, and I thought it'd be cool if he had a sister. This is my take on if he did. Also, disclaimer: I do not own The Resident or any of their characters. I only own Hazel Hawkins.


*Hazel's POV*
I got out of my 1969 Dodge Charger R/T 440 and looked up at the prestigious Chastain Park Memorial Hospital. I took off my sunglasses while shutting my door and smiled at the thought of what lies ahead.

As I was about to walk towards the building someone blocked my path

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As I was about to walk towards the building someone blocked my path. I looked up and gave a sarcastic smile to the man standing in my way.

"Randy, how have you been? Killed anyone recently?"

"Not that I should dignify anything that you just said with a response, but you need to leave the premises," Dr. Bell then crossed his arms over his chest.

"Aw come on, Randy, you can't possibly still be butthurt  from what happened last time I came around," I gave him an incredulous look.

"You release live greased pigs in a sterile hospital and labeled them 1,2, and 4. We spent 5 hours looking for number 3," He deadpanned.

"Everyone knows about that prank, jeez, for doctors you guys are uneducated," I exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.

"Leave. Now."




"You have 3 seconds."

"Fine, fine, I'm gone. I know where I'm not wanted," I raised my hands in surrender. I turned to him one last time swirling my keys on my finger flipping him off.

 I turned to him one last time swirling my keys on my finger flipping him off

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"Always a pleasure, Hazel," He called after me.

"I'll be back, Satan."

*Conrad's POV*
I was doing my rounds when a familiar face caught my attention. Even with a hat and glasses on and her face buried in a newspaper I saw her.

That can't be who I think it is, but I had to make sure because I haven't seen her in so long

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That can't be who I think it is, but I had to make sure because I haven't seen her in so long.


Her head peaked up from her newspaper and she puts her fingers to her lips and shushes me.

"X-nay in the Name-ay HODAD already kicked me out once today. Hey wait that rhymed. Well actually he didn't kick me out he prevented me from even coming i-," I cut her off by engulfing her in a huge hug.

"I've missed you so much. Where have you been?"

I held her at arms length to examine her further. She looked tired, her clothes were worn, and she didn't look as carefree as I remembered. I made a note to ask her about how she was later but right now she was home and safe.

"I missed you too, Con. I've been just about everywhere."

"We'll catch up later I have to make rounds and you need to hide out. Stay in the on call room he never goes in there," I explained.

*Hazel's POV*
I walked into the on call room and plopped down on a bench exhaustion taking over from the long hours driving. I laid on the bench and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

As I was waking up I could hear voices.

"Wake her up, Devon."

"No, Charlene, we don't know her she could be a homeless patient who wandered into our on call room for all we know."

I heard the door open. I immediately knew it was Conrad by the soothing effect his voice had on me.

"What are you idiots doing standing around?"

"Better question what is she doing in here?" a voice I think was Devon asked.

Conrad's footsteps came over to me and he gave my shoulder a quick rub effectively pulling me out of my sleep.

Conrad's footsteps came over to me and he gave my shoulder a quick rub effectively pulling me out of my sleep

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"Hey, Haze, did you have a good nap?"

"Yeah, I did."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see them more clearly. The male doctor stared at us clearly confused and he looks at the nurse.

"Who is this?"

"This, Devon, is my little sister Hazel," Conrad said pulling me into a side hug.

Devon looked at the nurse, whose name I believe is Charlene, in confusion, "Conrad has a sister?"

Conrad chuckle, "Don't be surprised that you don't know everything about me, Devon." He turned to me, "Are you ready to head out?"

"Yeah let's go home."
So let me know what you think and don't forget to give a vote if you enjoyed this chapter!

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