Chapter nineteen: The diary...

Start from the beginning

Harry sighed. "How could I manage to find a relic of the dark Lord that wants to kill me and not manage to find anything useful it." Harry mused to himself.

"Unless I am missing something." Harry commentated. He grabbed his feather and ink pot and held it over the diaries pages. Before he wrote anything however a drop of ink fell onto the page and then disappeared.

"Yes!" Harry squealed in excitement. 

Harry put more ink onto the feather before writing Hello my name is Harry Potter.

Hello Harry potter I am Tom Riddle. The diary replied.

I am aware of that but are you aware of who I am to you? Harry asked testing the boundaries.

Yes, the previous holder this diary had a very interesting recap on this whole...Scandal.

Yes well what exactly do you know?

Well I know that you have a twin Evan, and that you were raised by muggles after being given up I also know that your brother is supposedly the chosen one for defeating the Dark Lord although that I am uncertain of. I think it is you.


Well for starters you are more powerful and a parstlemouth so I have reason to believe it is you.

It's not.

Don't lie. Harry sighed well the other version of him knew so may as well say.

Fine it is me but I don't want it.

I know, we are more alike then you would care to admit.

How so?

Well we will get to that later but for now is there anything you wish to ask me?

Yes my teacher told me that you are the only known remaining heir but my friend said the history is blured what does that mean? And why if you are the heir am I a parstlemouth. 

Well to the first question a lot of the history about me is mixed up and so on and the last question you will find out soon enough so don't worry for now.

Fine but what has been blured? Can you tell me?

No. But I can show you.

Harry was then dragged through the book and into a grey version of the castle. There standing before him was Dumbledore and a young boy he assumed was Tom Riddle. Although he looked kind of familiar, Harry just couldn't place where he knew him from. 

"Dumbledore you can't do this! This will get you locked up in Azcaban alone!" Tom yelled.

"By my boy it is imperative that I do this." Dumbledore replied calmly. 

"No it isn't fame isn't everything!" Tom yelled.

"But it is, if you become the next dark Lord then I will kill you and take the fame easy as that!" Dumbledore explained. 

I gasped 'was this true?' I thought.

"No I won't kill her!" Tom yelled.

"You will Imperio!" Dumbledore yelled.

Tom then stood and walked forwards to the sink, he said 'open' in parstletounge and a great big hole appeared. Up from the hole cam a huge snake. Dumbledore and Tom instantly dropped their heads and Tom said another thing in parstletounge. Harry's eyes bulged as he realized what Tom had said. 'Kill the mudblood.' 

Harry ran over to Tom and Dumbledore and pleaded, "No! Don't do it!" He yelled, but neither heard him. All was silent until a faint cry was heard. Tom turned eyes still in a glassy haze. He looked in the direction of the cry before moving out of the way for the huge snake to slither over to her. 

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