Jayna had missed. So the man had taken the chance to start running away, before he got tackled to the ground, courtesy of her lovely Mayukw to treating him like a chew toy.

Again she cursed slightly, meaning to shoot him in the leg, not the freaking ground. "I need to practice my accuracy more." She said rolling her eyes.

//Flashback End//   

"Thanks, But I don't even know you." She stated with bored and indifferent eyes. His face dropped when she closed the door on his face. Not before taking the flowers of course. What? They're her favourite flowers. Of course she had to take them.

Limping towards her kitchen, opening a cabinet and gently grabbing a pretty vase. She set the flowers down on the counter for a second, before limping backwards toward her kitchen sink, filling up the vase with the proper amount of water.

Grabbing the flowers and gently placing them in the vase, she heard the flap of the doggy door, she slowly turned around towards her German Shepherd, then looked at the stove to see what time it was, 1:32, she read, looking back at Mayukw with a little grin.

"I bet you're hungry for some lunch, right bud." She said looking at him with adoration in her eyes. She got a bark in response. "I'll take that as a 'Yesh pweash mum!'" She said grabbing a can of dog food.

*       *      *       *      *       * Time - 4:37

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*       *      *       *      *       * Time - 4:37

Jayna was laying on her bed, just staring at her ceiling, thinking how boring it's going to be without her job. "You know what!" She yelled, as she sat up quickly, ignoring the stinging in her thigh, and the fact that she scared the life out of Mayukw.

He jumped off her bed running away with his tail between his legs, she rolled her eyes a bit. "I'm going to watch the death's of all the Akatsuki. Cause' I love em'." She said to herself. "Mostly Obito though, he's cute. Well not as cute as him. But he's a close second." She mumbled quietly. 

Finally deciding on something she thought wasn't boring,  Jayna got up to go find her Xbox controller and TV remote, not being able too watch it on her laptop, because it was dead.

Finally finding both of the electronics after about ten minutes, Jayna turned on her Xbox and TV signing into her account JIHunter88.

Going to YouTube and searching 'All of Akatsuki's death'. She quickly found one and clicked on it, making sure like Juzo Biwa or Yahiko wasn't on the list. Don't get her wrong, she doesn't have anything against both them and the other older Akatsuki members, but she just doesn't really care about them that much.

Clicking start on the video, she quickly turned off her Xbox controller so she could save the battery. Sighing to herself while watching Sasori's last battle, preparing her mind for the roller coaster of emotions about to come.

Finally (Only three minutes and 49 seconds, but hey, whose counting?) getting to Sasori's death she payed close attention. A tear had rolled down her cheek, as Sasori had passed away.

Going to wipe the tear away she was stopped. 'By what?' you may ask. Well young one, it was... A FREAKING BIG ASS (There's a space here people) HOLE JUST RANDOMLY APPEARING IN HER CEILING AND DROPPING A BODY IN FRONT OF HER! THAT'S WHAT! Snapping out of her trance she quickly pauses the video, (Priorities. am I right?) backs away from the body and grabs the closest thing to her, holding it out in front of herself threateningly.

The body groans and she could hear a faint 'Where the hell am I?' and 'Aren't I supposed to be dead?' Jayna stays quiet, watching sceptically with equal amounts of curiosity.

The boy or man slowly turns around in a circle, observing his surroundings, before stopping abruptly at the sight of a beautiful yet small looking woman holding a pillow in front of herself threateningly, promise in her gorgeous amber eyes. His eyes narrow slightly.

"Who are you brat? and where am I?" Sasori says in a threatening tone. Jayna doesn't take the hint though and ignores his threatening tone.

"My name is Jayna Hunter. Not Brat. You are in my home, which is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. And what is your name?" She said, asking just to make sure that this was the actual infamous 'Sasori of the Red Sand', and that she wasn't going nuts. (Lets be real, she lost that battle a long time ago.)

"Tch, My name is Sasori. Brat." Sasori said to annoy her, which only worked slightly because she was to excited, because seriously, who wouldn't be excited by the fact that the man who has taken down a whole country and turned humans into puppets was sitting right in front of them.

"Oh my god." She kept saying repeatedly. Until Sasori (rudely) interrupted her of course.

"Why am I here?" He asked, annoyance clear in his voice, already done with this crap. Jayna cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed.

"I don't exactly know, but I was watching a YouTube video-" A weird look from Sasori at  'YouTube video'. "-of you and the rest of the Akatsuki dying and when I got to your death, a hole appeared in my ceiling and dropped you out of it.-" Sasori opened his mouth, about to speak, but Jayna held her hand up as sign of saying 'Shut up, i'm not done'. He glared but allowed her to continue. "I don't exactly have a logical explanation about this but somehow, maybe when I watch all the Akatsuki's death, in this specific YouTube video-" Another odd look from Sasori. "-You guys come to my world for a new start in life." She explained. At Sasori's slightly surprised face she realized why and quickly said "Oh yeah. Did I forget to mention that you're in a different world?" She asked fake apologetically.

His glare said everything.


A/N-Again, please correct me on any grammatical error that you will find. I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for reading my Fanfiction that I randomly decided to write. It really means a lot to me when someone takes time out of their day to read something that I have, and hopefully, you liked this enough too read another chapter. Goodbye!

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