chapter twenty five

Start from the beginning

"You haven't even given us a chance. I thought you were done sabotaging your happiness."

I thought so too.

"So that's just it then," he said after I failed to respond. "You didn't even have the decency to call and tell me that?"

Aiden's words were ringing in my ear. You're inconsiderate and selfish; you only think about yourself. I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes, hoping to block out the noise that was in my head, but it only got louder. Images of Isaac then flood my mind. I could still feel his arms pestering my skin as he warned me of what was to come if I didn't comply with his rules. I dug my keys in my palm, hoping to numb the pain I was feeling by inflicting physical discomfort.

"That's just the way it has to be," I retorted.

I looked at Kaiden with an emotionless expression: it's one I've perfected over the years. Till this day no one has called me out on it. Kaiden narrowed his eyes at me, no doubt trying to figure out the angle I was playing. For the first time, it appeared as if someone was going to call me out on my bullshit. But instead, he turned his back from me.

"Have a nice life, Hollyn," he called out as he got back in his truck.

I watched as he shifted gears and reversed out of the driveway without so much as a second glance at me. I guess I deserved as much after what I put him through. I gave myself a minute to recompose myself before walking back to my car and getting started with my day.


Coming into work on my day off was both a good and a bad thing. For one, I was able to occupy myself to the point where I forgot all about Isaac and my interaction with Kaiden earlier that morning. On the other hand, it was extremely busy that day. Instead of working on my craft, I was helping out by covering for two people that called out the last minute. I look around the back room where two of my employees were struggling. They had a difficult time keeping up with the demands of the business this afternoon. Though I was irritated, I couldn't blame them as they were both new hires and just started training this week. I brush my hands over my apron and dust off the remaining powder on my hands and walk to the front of the shop.

"Ben, help out the girl's in the back," I said, taking over the barista role. "I can handle taking and making people's orders on my own."

Ben nodded and stepped aside so I can get to work. I liked working with Ben. He's a high school kid who mainly keeps to himself. He's also eager to pick up any extra shifts when he's not in class to make some extra money which worked to my advantage as much as it worked for him.

"Hi, welcome to Molly's," I said, repeating the same spiel I've learned years ago from verbatim. I touched a series of icons on the register as I logged Ben out and myself in. "What can I get started for you?"

I look up from the register the same time the customer looks up from their phone. A slight grin takes over my face. Standing opposite from me was Jay, wearing a relaxed plain white tee with a Blackhawks cap. Jay peers back at me mirroring my grin but looking puzzled at the same time.

"Hollyn, what are you doing back there?" Jay questioned.

"I work here," I replied in a tone that said duh as I pointed to the apron I was wearing.

"Woah, no kidding! Is that why I haven't seen you around the bar lately?"

"I quit actually. I've been working here full time now."

"And to think I thought Kaiden had something to do with it," he said, chuckling. I tried to pretend like what he just said had no effect over me, but it seems like my poker face needed a bit more work. Jay raised an eyebrow.

"Uh oh, what happened?" He asked, his face filled with concern. Behind him, I saw the line getting longer. As much as I wanted to keep chatting with him, now was not the time or the place.

"I'd love to discuss all things relating to Kaiden," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. "But I have a growing line and we'll have to talk about that some other time."

Jay looked behind him and smiled politely at an elderly lady behind him. He turned around and leaned in closer to the register so only I could hear him.

"I think they can manage to wait a little longer," he whispered. I faked a gasp and nudged him softly. "I'm kidding of course! I'm having a small get-together tonight. You should come."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not really up for a party," I replied, shifting my weight from side to side.

"It's not a party, it's a get-together."

"That's just a polite way of saying party," I retorted, rolling my eyes. Jay crossed his arms.

"I'm not leaving until you agree to come."

"Jay, please just let this go," I pleaded with him. Jay stubbornly raised an eyebrow at me, taunting me to call him out on his bluff. I groaned.

"Fine, I'll come. Now order so I can get to the rest of the customers." 

Jay smiled like he just got away with a devious plan. Knowing him, I wouldn't put it past him if there was something he had conjured up his sleeve. 

The rest of my shift past by quickly. I commended everyone that was working with me on a job well done. That was by far one of the busiest shifts that I've worked at the bakery.  We finished cleaning up and prepping for the next day not too long ago and I was beat. It was a little after 5 PM when I got back home and I just wanted to take a hot shower and sleep the night away. A buzzing in my pocket convinced me that would be difficult to do.

I expect to see you here soon, or you shall face my wrath... hehe ;)

I shake my head at Jay's absurd text. He was definitely peculiar, but I actually enjoyed his company. He was one of the few people I know that I could be myself with wholeheartedly. His easing going persona was infectious. Maybe going to this "party" tonight wouldn't be so bad, lord knows I needed to unwind. 

I quickly took a shower to get all the smells and gunk off of my body. I changed into a basic tank-top along with some denim shorts. I applied light concealer to hide the lack of sleep I got the night before and mascara to brighten my eyes a bit. Content with not looking like a total zombie, I wrote a quick text to Brayden letting him know I was going to be out tonight and locked the front door behind me. I inhaled deeply, time to have some fun.

Hi y'all! Long-time no update, I'm sorry. Post-grad life is something else I'm still trying to navigate my way through this time. Please don't lose hope on me or this book! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and as always I have so much in store :)

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