Chapter 2: Darkness and Light

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Beams of photon energy raced to collide with the bodies of Rizellx and Nitro. Explosions erupted from the wall, the ceiling, and the floor as the rapid assault was intended to finish them quickly. Taka stopped is cannons from firing, dust rising and coating the warehouse with a thick fog. Pieces of metal and stone fell to the floor and rubble broke free from the walls and piled up on the floor. The silence was thick in the room, louder than the rubble that was still falling.

"Hehehe, this medallion saved my ass more times than I can count. Even the Shadow Walker stood zero chance. Serves you right." Taka laughed a little bit more before turning away from the gravel to leave.

"If you thought a pile of rubble would kill me, you're deserving of death for your insolence." Rizellx's voice echoed around the warehouse.

"Come out and try it!" Taka yelled as he frantically looked around for Rizellx.

"You really are scared, aren't you?" Nitro sprung out of the rubble in front of Taka. "That was uncool, what if I'd died?" He joked with Taka.

"You're going to die by my hand assassin." Taka stretched his mech arms and grabbed Nitro, pinning his arms beneath the mechanized fingers.

Taka spun halfway around before letting go, sending Nitro into the side of the warehouse, falling with a loud thud.

Nitro gripped his stomach with his left arm before standing, " That actually sucked, you're definitely going to pay for that."

A big shadow emerged from behind Taka. The feeling of dread flooded through Taka's body the instant it appeared. He felt his heartbeat faster as though it was going to come out of his chest. His sweat turned cold as it dripped from his forehead to the metal of his mech suit. His eyes looked blank as though he was stunned by a bright light.

"Ahh!" Taka yelled as he whipped his arms around like razor wire, hoping to hit the shadow.

"Your resistance will be for not." Rizellx dashes and vanishes into Taka's armor.

Bolts and pieces of metal began to break off and fall on the ground, piece by piece like a puzzle was falling apart.

"Stop!" Taka yells, holding his mech chest plate.

"Whoa!" Nitro yells, kicking Taka in the back of his mech, separating him entirely from it, falling face front on to the ground.

Rizellx reappeared in front of Taka. Even without his mech suit, he was 6'4, very muscular, pale-skinned and short messy-haired. He wore a jumpsuit due to the fact that it was more comfortable in the mech than regular clothing. Taka stood up in front of Rizellx with a 5-inch difference.

"Have you accepted your fate?" Rizellx asked, lifting his right hand with shadows looping and wrapping around it.

"Never!" Taka emitted a purple glow, the medallion still on him somewhere. He threw a powerful charged punch at Rizellx, Rizellx blocking the punch with his shadows like it was more of an annoyance than anything and pushed him back into his idle mech, exploding on impact.

"Let's get this over with now," Nitro said to Rizellx.

Rizellx picked Taka up with his shadows and brought him closer and searched for the medallion. Rizellx took the medallion and then slammed Taka into the ground.

"Let me go! I have valuable information! If you kill me you'll regret it!" Taka tried to pull the shadows off of his body but to no avail.

"I can't do that," Rizellx said calmly as his torso began to turn black then morph into a purple and red portal like a vortex.

"You son of a b-" Taka spoke his last words before being thrown into the vortex.

"That is still so disgusting," Nitro said to Rizellx as a heart fell out of the vortex, into his hands.

"Objective complete," Rizellx said, putting the heart into a pouch.

"Report back at once," a deep robotic voice said into the earpieces of Nitro and Rizellx.

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