Elliot Meets Game Night

Start from the beginning

"Okay, nobody look at Maya!" Riley announced.

Maya then reluctantly came in and looked incredibly funny in her Benjamin Frankin costume.

The whole class laughed.

"Why, Benjamin Franklin, can you feel the electricity between us? Haaa!" Farkle flirted with her.

"When do we get rid of this guy?" Maya asked as she pointed to Farkle.

"Right now! King George, the American colonies want their freedom." Riley announced.

"You belong to me, and I will never let you go. It's the King's law!" Farkle announced.

That Night
Matthews Apartment

"You and Elliot belong to me until you both are 18. It's the law." Cory told Riley.

"God, why are you being such a King Geroge. Can't we work something out." Elliot suggested.

"Yeah, King George." Riley glared at Cory.

"Stop calling me that," Cory told his kids.

"What's the matter? Pops doesn't like pops' lesson?" Maya asked.

"Yeah." Riley glared at Cory.

Maya took the board and began setting it with everyone.

"Listen, guys, not everything I teach you in class applies to our lives," Cory told them.

"It does, every time, sir," Lucas told him.

"Okay, the game is all set up. We're doing this thing, or what?" Josh asked.

"No," Cory said stubbornly.

"Yes," Riley said.

"Do you guys even know how to play The Family Game?" Cory asked with attitude.

"Let me teach you." Maya stood up and pushed Cory and he sat on the couch.

"Because I'm always here, and you can't get rid of me," Maya said.

"Always wins." Maya pointed to Topanga.

"Always eats too much popcorn and says, 'I'm never eating popcorn again.' Maya said as she pointed towards Riley.

"But it's so delicious," Riley said as she had popcorn in her mouth.

"Always cheats because he wants to win.' Maya pointed to Farkle.

"Always ends up to tipping the board game off because he is a sore loser," Maya said as she pointed to Elliot.

"I have a short temper." Elliot defended himself.

"Would you be on my team, Uncle Josh?" Auggie asked.

"Try and stop me." Josh smiled.

"Okay, I'll stop you. You're on my team." Maya pulled Josh towards herself.

"He's my Uncle." Auggie pulled Josh towards his side.

"He's my husband." Maya pulled Josh towards her.

"Congratulations." Auggie let go of Josh.

"Wait, Maya, what are you doing? We are always teammates for game night." Elliot said hurt.

"Elliot we need to have a talk," Maya told him.

"What kinda talk?" Elliot asked.

Maya took Elliot to the side.

"Josh is never really here for Game Night," Maya told him.

"So?" Elliot asked with attitude.

"So can I please be with him?" Just this once?" Maya asked.

Elliot Meets World ( season 1) Where stories live. Discover now