With his hands covering her eyes, indicating for her to shut them, she then let out a dry giggle before complying. When his hands fell limp and she heard rustling, she wondered what he meant by an apology, especially since she was the one who caught mere feelings for a boy whilst being unavailable. Of course, she'd never admit it to Thomas, but like in every other occasion, she would ignore the feelings until they withered away.

Thomas wrapped the blue sapphire necklace around Caroline's neck and placed a kiss on her neck before lowering her hair back down. After his command, she opened her eyes and gasped, admiring the pricey jewellery with tearful eyes. She would be able to afford it if she wanted to splash money on it, but it was the thought that counted, because as far as everyone was was concerned, Thomas was an inconsiderate monster, though she saw him for the loving husband and doting father he truly was.

"Where the hell did you get that?" She marvelled. "It's beautiful."

He held her shoulders tightly and whispered lustfully into her ear. "You can wear it to the foundation dinner."

With each kiss, her smile broadened. "Don't you think it's a bit much for a charity dinner?"

"Caroline." We wrapped his arms around her smaller form, slightly rocking her back and forth. "This is fucking Birmingham. Good taste is for people who can't afford sapphires."


Smooth and spongy as a ripe nectarine, the cherubic infant's roseate cheeks glowed softly, by the effulgent light from the mid-winter bonfire. It was very late at night, beyond the downpour of the ten o'clock dark. So, Caroline estimated that the time was around midnight, given that Charles woke up out of his slumber, hungry and eager to remain awake.

The ground was mucky but the fresh countryside air would lull him to sleep, or so Thomas told her. Twenty or so minutes of trying went by and he managed to light a humongous fire after gathering every stick and twig he could find. He quickly wrapped his an arm around Caroline who held her boy so close.

His face was craggy, but not in that over worn way, the way that tells of a life too hard. It was one of a well lived life, sorrow and heartache. Though he was sitting on the thick wooden log,  Caroline could see him sitting before a winter fire, the yellow light making art of his years. With his high arched nose he must have been an awkward young man, gangling in the limbs no doubt, yet he had become handsome with age as many men do.

"The noise, Thomas."

He glanced down to her. "There is no noise, Care."

"I know." She peered up at him as though it all made sense. "I can't hear anything in my head anymore. Their screams and pleas to save them-I can't hear anything."

Thomas understood why. He experienced the same relaxation every time he was within arm's reach of his wife and his son. It took years to come to terms with what he had lost, but after everything he gained, he couldn't have been more blessed. Their heads were free from the ghosts of their pasts and neither resorted to old habits to keep their demons at bay. So long as they had each other, all was still and peaceful.

Caroline then spoke with sad eyes. "You know, it's just occurred to me that Charles doesn't have available grandparents."

"To hell with the people he doesn't have." Thomas mumbled happily. "He has everyone and everything he needs around him. No harm will ever come to our boy so long as you and I are by his side."

"The same goes, Tommy." She barely smiled. "You know, I am afraid of the Italians, but there is no way on this earth that I would let them lay a finger on you."

He kissed her passionately but pulled back as Charles stirred. "Nothing will ever happen to me, eh? I'm Thomas bloody Shelby."

"You're only as strong as you think you are." She sighed. "But against what, maybe twenty of them? You don't stand a chance, especially when they'll catch you off guard and alone. I think it's suffice to say we shall sleep with one eye open."

"No." He shook his head. "Not you. You're not getting involved in this mess."

"I already am, Thomas. They know who I am and they undoubtedly know where we live." Her blood ran cold with a chilling thought. "And if they do know where we live, they'll know we have a son-one we have to protect at all costs and I will not simply stand by and do nothing."

Thomas shushed her. "And we will protect him. We'll protect each other. Nobody will come between us. Not the Russians, not the Italians and especially not Michael."

Caroline rolled her eyes at the last name mentioned. "Well, Michael is not a threat, is he?"

"You're right, for once." He falsely smirked. "I love you."

"You're only telling me that because you're afraid." She whispered. "I love you too."

Thomas slowly unwound his arm from Caroline when light snores sounded from the middle of their laps. Charles lay in the thick woollen blanket, softly sleeping with his thin lashes batting from time to time with every lamb which crossed his sweet dreams.

Endearingly, Caroline traced her finger over his cheek, thanking the stars above for having two valuable men in her life. Thomas seemed to be thinking along the same lines, so with his much larger hand, he entwined his fingers with Caroline's and rested their limbs gently atop of Charles' chest.

"I often look at him and wonder how we got so lucky." Caroline faintly grinned. "The childbirth was troubling and I believed I wouldn't survive. For awhile, I didn't want to live, either. He was better off without me with a normal mother in a normal life, I thought. But, every day that passes by, my love for him grows and I've made a promise to my father below that I will strive on behalf of him to save my son."

Thomas remained silent and she pressed on. "I knew he was a bad man; my father. But, as a parent, I understand why he went to extra measures to keep Oscar and I safe. He was a good father despite his faults. It has inspired to improve within."

"At least something good came out of Billy Kimber." Thomas mused. "You're a great mother, Caroline. He would have been proud of you."

"No, he wouldn't. Especially because I had a baby with his mortal enemy."

Thomas rolled his eyes with a slight laugh. "Try to let me be sentimental for once."

"I cried for him in the delivery room. I cried for my mother, too." Her voice ultimately depressed. "I wanted their support and love but still, with Polly by my side, I felt so alone. I can't turn into him, Thomas. We will not leave our son. Never."

"We won't." He turned her cheek so she could see the sincerity in his eyes. "I will kill every last bastard on this planet if it guarantees your safety. You and I, we will fight them all together."

Caroline reached up, her lips apart from Tommy's. "Always and forever, my love."

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