And maybe that was why Reid brought her in.

She didn't come closer, just staying in the spot she was in, giving me a look of.....well, actually it wasn't much of an actual look instead of a blank stare, and her posture like that of a stiff board.

I forced myself to turn my head, ignoring her presence like she seemed to be ignoring mine, ready to walk in a different direction. But that's when I heard it, a light, soft voice that sounded cracked. "I'm sorry."

I stayed where I was, not even giving her the satisfaction of me moving my gaze to her again. Of course she would say something like that. She was Riley, and i'm sure still evil. She was just trying to get in my head. So instead I just hissed, "You're sorry?"

I sounded angry, and I had reason to be, given all she had done, fake person or not, you would think she would have some kind of conscience. I was ready to just punch her.

She was freaking sorry?

"Yes, i'm sorry." She continued, her voice still low but suddenly closer. Too close in fact. And that's when I felt something touch my shoulder, my head snapping back and placing the best glare I could on my face.

I managed to get in her face, her shrinking down and cowering like the faker she was. I knew my teeth had to be showing, and if anything my own evil side had emerged from doing so. I had never been this fierce, not even with Reid. 

But a lot has changed.

I am not the girl I was before.

"Why are you here?" I growled practically through my teeth. I didn't want to hear her say that she was sorry again, I only wanted to get to the root of things, the important things.

"You would be here alone, left to go insane. Why would Reid want that?" Was her response. Really, because I thought that was what he did want. "Reid is not heartless."

That's when I shoved her. She hit the ground, me growing furious.

How dare she say that?

"Reid is not heartless? Are you freaking kidding me, Riley?" I screamed. And then I kicked at nothingness air. And I brought my hands to my face, only to feel the lightest of tears near my eye. My screaming commenced til I got what I needed out of my system. And then I faced her again, her still down where I left her. "He killed three people."

"They committed suicide." She said.

"He made them. He told me." My tone was calming down while at the same time my voice was breaking. "It's his fault they are dead."

"What does it matter to you? You're still alive."

"They're human beings. Innocent ones." I practically boomed before she could even finish. Which only sent me into a frenzy once more. I had changed from this strong, dangerous seeming girl to a emotional wreck within seconds.

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