Chapter Twenty-Lena

Start from the beginning

"No," he said, gritting his teeth.

I shifted, my face shrouded in grief for me and for him, "I'm sorry," I said, my voice soft.

He took a deep breath, "You didn't do it, Lena," he whispered, "I don't think you would ever do something like that."

"Do something like what?" Lance's voice filled the space between us, and we both snapped our heads toward him.

"None of your damn business," Asher said, narrowing his eyes as Lance took the seat next to me, "What are you doing here?"

Lance smiled, flashing straight, white teeth, "I came for breakfast," he said, pulling me into a hug, "And then, I saw you...Here," For some reason, he shot a narrowed gaze at Asher, "I thought I could get a good morning hug."

I laughed as I hugged him back, "I didn't take you for a person who likes cuddles," I said, rolling my eyes before breaking away from him to see Asher glaring.

"Oh, I love cuddles," Lance said, wiggling his brows, "Anytime you need some hug therapy let me know."

"Lance," Asher said a warning in his voice, "We were trying to get something to eat."

"Cool," he said, "I'm hungry too."

Before Asher could protest, Lance called a waitress over. When I glanced at Asher he was seething. I raised my brows as I wondered again what was going on with Lance and him.


Breakfast was tense as Lance continued to flirt and Asher continued to glare. As soon as the last bite of eggs was in my mouth, Asher called for the check. Lance smirked at him.

"You should come out to eat breakfast with me sometime soon," Lance said, grinning at me.

"Sure," I said, giving Lance a smile as the waitress brought back Asher's credit card receipt which he signed quickly, before taking his card and putting it in his wallet.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his brows raised.

"Yeah," I said as Lance let me out of the booth before hugging me again. His lips pressed against my temple.

"I'll see you later, Lena," he said, before glancing at Asher, "I'll see you later, asshole."

"Later, dickhead," Asher said as we headed out the door.

"What is up between you two?" I asked, raising my brow as we walked toward the car.

Asher's face twitched and all the anger faded as it transformed into a grin, "If you want to know the answer to that question, you'll have to give me an answer to mine."

I nodded, "Okay."

He opened the car door for me, ushering me in. He moved around to the driver's side, opened the door and sat behind the wheel. He was silent as he started the car and moved out of the parking lot onto the street.

"So, what's your question?" I asked, curious about what he wanted to know.

"Well, a lot of people thought you and Barrett had something going on...You know besides friendship. Is that true?" Asher asked staring out the windshield.

My heart ached with the mention of Barrett's name, "No, it's not true," I whispered, shifting, "He loved Becca. We were like siblings. We had known each other since kindergarten."

He nodded, "That explains a lot," he said, raising his brow, "When you know people that long, you're close and people get the wrong idea."

I nodded, swallowing over the tears that were threatening to come, "What about you and Lance?"

"You won't believe this, but Lance and I are friends," he said, shaking his head, "I do care about the bastard."

"Then why are you constantly fighting?" I asked, confused.

He shrugged, his face tense, "Lance was dating this girl seriously last year right after Ellis and I broke up," he said, shifting, "I had never met her. When I did, I realized that she was the girl I slept with two nights before. I told him. Though he says he's over it, I don't think he is. He's always been in constant competition with me and he does things just to piss me off."

"But you care about him?" I asked and for the first time, I did see it as his face softened.

"I do and though he does things to piss me off, I realize I deserve it to some extent," he said, shifting, "I mean...He was going to marry that girl."

My eyes widened, "I never thought I would hear Lance and marriage in the same sentence," I whispered.

Asher nodded, "Just remember we were all different before life fucked us."

I nodded but I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like to have met Asher before he became so scared of falling in love.  

Dirty Little Secrets (Book1) The Dirty Little Secrets SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now