What Makes Me Happy?

Start from the beginning

"That person again. Deumtra. Just what is he?"

It, Artemis. It is not a person. Not an entity. It is a phenomena, the root of magic itself. The very thing that powers the universe. It is sentient but merely in its embryonic stage.

"I want to meet it."


Meet it? Artemis, Deumtra is not a person you can meet. It is a thing.

"Where is it located then? I'm requesting that you let me see it and talk to it. That's all I want."


Very well.

Wait—I agr—

"It's a deal Tarkyol."

Artemis, you'll regret this if you follow him.

"I'll be damned if I regret it." Following my words, a mystical, ancient power engulfed me whole, sending me spiralling into some other realm as my mind blanked for a moment.


"Hm? A lesser entity?" An androgynous voice called out.

Opening my eyes, I found myself standing before a black sphere of which its size I could not comprehend. It's size was immense, the material it was made out of.

"Oh! It's you. The interesting one."

I felt oddly calm,"You are Deumtra, correct?"

"Indeed. I have seen your adventures and romances. It is very thrilling, as was your past tragic. You are an interesting person. In the face of grief, you gave up your humanity to become a beast. And yet a beast such as you learnt to love. Despite the hardships, your will remains unshaken, strong as adamantine itself. I am interested, Artemis. Tell me, what is your drive? Just what goes on in that head of yours that makes you keep on going?"

"It depends."


"Are you talking in the past, or in the present? If it was in the past, back in my previous life, it was my hatred that drove me. In this life, it was my desire to not be helpless. Now? I want to save my girlfriend is all. It's not complicated really."

"Then, can we say, on a metaphorical level that you have been seeking catharsis and happiness?"

"I suppose so. Though, I've found my inner peace already."

"Then, are you in search of your own happiness? A joy in life?"

"Perhaps. I am unsure."

"Then, I must tell you, I cannot revive your parents. It is beyond magic at this point, they have become magic. I can create life but I cannot recreate it. But, I enjoy you. So I will tell you two things and grant you one thing. Firstly, the reason the Gods wish to fight over you is because I have issued them a challenge. They have to pick one person to use as a champion in a final showdown between the five. The winner will inherit my power. So, they have lied to you. In the end, if you fight for them, you will have to kill your wife as she will be forced to fight you."

A cold fury sank deep into my bones. A deep seeded rage that looked calm on the outside but was boiling and seething within.

"Secondly, I am dying. Every time someone casts magic, a little piece of me is lost. I used to be thrice the size of the universe and now here I am, barely occupying the space of a large star. It is soon that I will fade. So, I wish to make a selfish request and in return, grant you something else."

"Tell me."

"Kill me. The moment you do, magic will cease to exist. Even you will lose it. It is at that point where everyone will be vulnerable. But not you."

A smile graced my lips,"You want me to kill them."

"Yes. End their lives. You, a killer experienced with using the swords and knives—You will have the upper hand."

"And in return, what do I get?"

"Ask yourself, Artemis. Since you seek happiness, what will make you happy?"

What will make me happy?

I knew the answer.

"I want a family. A family I can devote my love to wholeheartedly. A place where I can provide the warmth I never got."

"You are willing to give up your magic for love?"

I chuckled softly at its words,"Deumtra, you aren't human and wouldn't understand. Love is a feeling that borders on irrational. It is something that overrides all rational thoughts. But I don't mind. I'd rather be trapped in an illusion holding onto this chemical reaction than forever be a cynic caught in the web of hatred she spun herself."

It laughed heartily, I could almost see an approving nod,"Good answer! I shall grant it!" In an instant, a golden ray shot into my abdomen,"I cannot recreate old life, but I can create new life. Consider this a parting gift. Within you lies a child conceived from the magic of you and your soon-to-be wife. Now, an important task is at hand."

I felt as if something had been lifted off of my shoulders, a cathartic emotion welling within me as I shouted,"La Beastia—Four. Virago: Boost."

My body grew larger as my dragon form took shape.

For the final time, I roared out, power welling at my core.


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