The others wandered through the door. Cole threw himself at the sofa, almost sending Nya and Kai flying.

"Dude, what have you eaten?!" Kai exclaimed.

"Why does it matter?" Cole groaned. His face was in the cushion so it was hard to hear what he was saying.

"Find anything?" Lloyd wondered.

"Nope. Nothing at all." Zane replied on Cole's behalf.

"I give up." Cole sighed.

Nya smacked Cole round the head, making him jump and squeal in pain.

"What was that for?!" Cole frowned.

"Ninja never give up." She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"But what are we supposed to do now? The police are already on the case. There's really nothing for us to do but wait." Cole explained.

"He's right, Nya." Kai agreed, "We've tried all we can."

"Well if you won't continue searching, then I will." Nya told her teammates.

"That's ridiculous. You won't find him. If he just ran away, he'd be long gone by now. You know how fast of a runner he is." Lloyd joined in.

Zane nodded in agreement.

"He can't be gone." Nya sighed.

"He isn't gone. I'm sure he'll return. If someone has taken him, the police commissioner will follow the clues, find him and bring him home. The kidnapper will be locked up, don't worry." Kai comforted the female.

Nya buried her head in her hand, "Why is this so hard?!"

The rest of the team exchanged looks. They began to get concerned about her. She was determined to find him. And when Nya was determined to do something, she would usually do it but get into trouble at the same time. Someone would usually have to tag along.

Lloyd reached for the remote control for the TV and switched it on. The news automatically came on. The screen instantly showed, 'Breaking News'.

"There's a new breaking news story!" Lloyd exclaimed.

Nya raised her head as the others turned their heads to watch the show.

"On Sunday 26th of September a missing person's report was filed by the ninja of Ninjago themselves. Jay Walker, the lightning ninja, didn't return home from a mission, leaving the team to be concerned. They instantly reported to the police department, who are now on the case. A day later and he still hasn't been found. We'll let you know if anything happens." The news reporter spoke through the microphone.

Nya groaned and placed her head back in her hands. Kai pulled her into a hug as he looked over at Cole, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Turn it off." Zane mouthed to Lloyd.

Once the TV was off, it was quite easy to hear Nya's cry. Kai made a disgusted face as his gi was now covered in his sister's tears. Cole rubbed Nya's back to comfort her.

"It'll be okay, Nya, we'll find him." Cole spoke softly.

She pulled away from her brother, tear stains on her cheeks.

"And when we do, you can give him the biggest hug of your life." Kai added.

Nya nodded slightly and dried his eyes. Zane headed towards the door, "I'll go back out and look. Cole, you coming?"

Cole nodded and headed out the door with the ice ninja.

"Why don't you go get a nap, Nya? You'll be the first to know if anything happens, okay?" Kai suggested.

"Okay." Nya wandered off to her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Kai sighed. Lloyd came and sat next to him on the sofa.

"Poor Nya." Lloyd stated.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get a little worried. She hasn't been eating or sleeping properly." Kai told him.

"I noticed. I wanted to bring it up with you but I thought it might have been a sensitive subject." Lloyd replied.

Nya fell fast asleep quiet quickly. All she wanted was to know if her boyfriend was okay.

???s POV

I took my eyes off the screen for the first time since the breaking news story came on. I cannot believe it. One of Ninjago's very own ninja have gone missing. I honestly never thought that was possible. If he had been kidnapped, he'd be able to defend himself, right?

My parents always taught me to fight back. Did Jay? Yeah, sure he did. Right?

All I know is that nothing has happened yet. He couldn't have gone far. I need to find him. Hopefully, with my help, he should be found much quicker. Right? Gosh darnit, why do I always have to question myself. Am I worried? Nah. Or am I? I don't know! I'm not scared. Nope. Not even the slightest. Fear? Haha. No fear here. No fear allowed.

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