"I know, I know..." she replied, her voice still a little sleepy as she yawned and headed into the bathroom to freshen up. The sound of running water filled the air, a gentle melody that accompanied the new day's awakening.
As Sophie got ready for the day, the realization of what lay ahead settled in. The weight of the challenge she was about to undertake hung in the air like a thick fog, both daunting and exhilarating. The mandrake leaf she had to suck on brought a mixture of dread and anticipation, knowing that it was an integral part of her animagus transformation.
With a sigh, she changed into comfortable clothing, knowing she would be confined to their quarters for the next month and a half, dedicating her time and energy to mastering the intricate art of animagi.
Returning to Severus, Sophie sat down next to him on the plush couch, the cushion sinking slightly beneath their weight. She noticed he was reading the section she had studied earlier in the year, a testament to his dedication to helping her achieve her goal. "Interesting schedule, isn't it?" she remarked, trying to lighten the mood and ease the tension that hung in the air like a palpable veil.
"I guess you can say interesting, I'd more so say 'stamina inducing' more than anything," Severus replied with a half-smile, raising an eyebrow playfully. The lines around his eyes crinkled with amusement, revealing the warmth that lurked beneath his stoic exterior.
"Well, I'm ready to get started; the sooner, the better," Sophie declared with determination, reaching over and plucking the mandrake leaf from the pile on the nearby table. Her fingers wrapped around the small, unassuming leaf, its green color contrasting with the ivory of her skin.
Severus laughed softly, the sound like music to her ears, as he admired her spirit and courage. He knew the challenges that lay ahead, the patience and resilience required for such a transformative journey. "We'll see how you turn out in a month," he said with a hint of excitement, his eyes sparkling with pride and anticipation.
~~__~~(Time Skip)~~__~~
The days flew by, and for a month, Sophie fiercely battled fatigue and hunger, relying on stamina spells and non-sleep charms to sustain her during her arduous animagus training. Each day felt like a constant struggle, but she remained steadfast in her determination, refusing to give in to weariness. She did not want to take any chances with the precious mandrake leaf being swallowed or spit out by accident, knowing that a single misstep could jeopardize the entire transformation. The momentous day finally arrived, and her leaf was ready for the next step of the transformation. With utmost care, she spit the leaf into a small vial, which seemed to curl around the sides perfectly, as if accepting the offering with approval.
Placing the vial in front of the window to bathe in the moon's light, Sophie knew she needed additional ingredients for the potion. Her preparation involved obtaining dew untouched by sunlight or human feet for a full seven days, a task that required patience and diligence. Severus had secretly collected the dew six days ago, hiding it in the bathroom drawers—the darkest spot in their shared room, where it would be shielded from the sun's rays.
As the moon shone abnormally bright, a sign that Remus and his friends were also undergoing their transformations that night, Sophie gazed at the vial, which began to glow in a radiant blue hue, reminiscent of her Patronus's light. The sight filled her with a mixture of awe and trepidation, knowing that the culmination of her efforts was within reach.
Reciting the incantation "Amato Animo Animato Animagus," Sophie focused her mind, repeating the words diligently for two days until the next electrical storm arrived on December 7th, around 5:17 in the afternoon. Her memory of future events guided her calculations, ensuring she performed the ritual at the most opportune time, aligning with the celestial forces that would aid her in the transformation.
As the day approached, Sophie couldn't believe how fast the month had gone by, each day a blur of dedication and determination. 'I'm going to be 19 soon... my first official birthday with Severus,' she thought to herself, her heart swelling with affection at the thought of the upcoming celebration.
"I need to brush my teeth about 17 times. And eat, eating sounds amazing," Sophie declared, her voice tinged with eagerness and hunger. Severus' previous charm wore off, and as if on cue, her stomach rumbled like an elephant on a rampage in New York, demanding attention.
"After dinner, we have to move the vial into the cauldron and keep it out of sunlight for the next 2 days, Soph," Severus reminded her, his gaze fixed on her as she brushed her teeth for the third time in a row.
"I know, Sevy. Besides, we've come this far, nothing can ruin it now, I'll make sure of it," Sophie responded confidently, checking her teeth one last time in the mirror, determination shining in her eyes. Her heart raced with excitement and nerves, knowing that the final steps of the transformation were within her grasp, and soon she would be one step closer to achieving her goal of becoming an animagus.
They strolled into the Great Hall, and all eyes were on Sophie once more. It had been about a month since she last visited the Hall, except for small trips to fetch pumpkin juice for Severus while he studied. Now, finally, she could indulge in the finest array of Hogwarts House Elf cooking, no longer reliant on charms to sustain herself. The tantalizing aroma of the feast filled the air, enticing her senses and reminding her of the simple pleasure of a delicious meal.
Taking a seat next to a platter of grilled chicken that looked impeccable, Sophie clasped her hands in admiration before eagerly grabbing two breasts to dig into. The chicken was tender and flavorful, a perfect combination of spices that made her taste buds dance with delight. She savored the first bite, reveling in the sensation of food after such a long time, before quickly devouring the rest with gusto.
"Chickens are the best gift life has ever beckoned," Sophie remarked between bites, her appreciation for the meal evident in the way her eyes sparkled with delight.
"Slow down, Soph. You might cause yourself to throw up," Severus teased, amused by her enthusiasm and the sheer joy on her face.
"Then I guess I'll just have to throw up," Sophie replied playfully, washing down the meal with gilly water and a sprig of Pumpkin juice to end on a sweet note. Satisfied and content, she laid her head down on the table, observing Severus as he continued his own meal.
"Ready?" Severus asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin, his dark eyes fixed on her with a mixture of affection and admiration.
"Always," Sophie replied with a smile, her heart fluttering with excitement and nerves as they locked arms and made their way back to their room, ready to continue the next phase of their journey.
Returning to their room, Sophie noticed the vial was ready, its glow thick and mesmerizing. With a sense of purpose, she grabbed it, pouring its contents into the cauldron along with the other necessary ingredients. The ingredients swirled together, creating a concoction that seemed to pulse with energy and anticipation. Stirring diligently, she watched as the glow began to fade, signaling that the potion was now prepared to sit in the drawer, awaiting the storm that would ignite its transformative power.
Over the next two days, Sophie diligently repeated the incantation at the designated times, her focus unwavering as she prepared for the momentous event. As the darkened sky heralded the arrival of the storm, anticipation built within her. It was nearly time for her to discover her animagus form and whether it would match her Patronus, a thought that filled her with both excitement and a touch of anxiety.