Chapter Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

"Ashton pepper sprayed you, or did temptress?" Andrew questioned, sounding amused but confused at the same time.

I rolled my eyes, "Liam what exactly did you say to the kid? Give it to me word for word."

It was obvious that Liam had said something to him, but what was the question. What could Liam had said that made Ashton react this badly?

"I just told him that I could help him out, if he helped me out. Then this frightened look crossed his face, and that's where he sprayed me." Liam explains, then adds before I could speak."I was just offering to pay his way through school, so he could stop stripping. As long as he pretended to be my boyfriend in public."

"Okay now the temptress thing is making sense. Ashton's is temptress, temptress is Ashton, and they're one." Andrew explains while smiling like he'd just figured out the meaning of life.

"Andrew go sit." I pointed my finger towards the couch, as an un-amused look took over my features. Then I turned back to Liam as Andrew walked away."I am not even going to comment on the pretend boyfriend thing. Maybe he thought you were trying to..I don't know pimp him out. Strippers do get asked that sort of thing, I think." I told him.

Liam eyebrows furrowed together."Do I look like a pimp to you Kendall?"

I shrugged."What does a pimp look like? I'm pretty sure they don't look like they do in the movies, so who knows maybe you do look like one."

"Kendall I'm being serious." Liam hissed, while looking back at the door."He probably would have called the police." He says, while shaking his head.

"Why didn't he call the police?"

"He left his phone on the coffee table." Liam states.

"You'd think he would remember to grab his phone," I glanced over at the front door with a raised brow."Or that he would run towards the exit. Especially since it's about the same distance from the couch you two were sitting at."

"You're making a joke out of this whole thing." he accuses, as he stared at me with a shocked expression.

I held my hands up in mock surrender."I'm not doing no such thing Liam. No I wouldn't do that even though I tried to warn you from messing with the kid in the first place." I replied, with as much sarcasm as possible.

"Can you just help me?" He huffs out."He can't exactly live in my bathroom. I'm actually thankful that I don't have any window in that one."

I nodded."You wouldn't want him escaping would you?" The look he gave me had me sighing."Of course Liam I'll try to help you. Just go sit down with Andrew while I try to talk to him. I'm pretty sure after banging on the door he's not going to open it while you're standing here."

Liam just nodded as he attempted to smile before walking away. Leaving me to stare at the bathroom door, feeling already frustrated with the whole thing. If Liam just listened to me he wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. How was I supposed to talk him out of the bathroom? Then again he had to come out eventually.

"Uh Ashton," I pressed my forehead against the door so I could make sure he heard me."You can come out Liam's not going to hurt you."

"Do I know you?" He questioned back, with a little more attitude than was needed.

"Yeah you kind of danced on a table in front of me one night." A frown found its way on my lips. I'd always been awkward around new people. But this conversation was the most fucking weirdest one yet. Why did I think it was appropriate to start a conversation off at like this? Then again he was a stripper, and I'd no idea what strippers talked about on a daily basis's.

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