Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room": Part XXXVII...

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps." Stern look.

"If she was springing a trap for us, she took her time and for now, she's failed."

"That, Commander, remains to be seen." He sighed. "And how will you proceed now?"

"We see Arya Stark is taken for care to the village by the doctor and cared for only by him and his people. Your man can study and interrogate there?"

"He can, up to a point."

"If all goes well, including with me, she'll be moved as circumstance permits, to Essos to some safe location and further reviewed there. If they don't..." shrug.

"And you?"

"I continue her mission of playing one of us and wait for orders. Sooner or later they'll send them or come to make contact. Assuming the Dirter who's come by wasn't the contact."

"Lacking any of her secrets for contact? Including the woman's real name?" Bledsa frowned. "The girl's mission may be quickly ended."

"That will be your man's job to learn or mine to avoid." Careful stare.

"One cannot be sure how well protected such a fine agent is." Bledsa noted. "She may resist all we have."

"They're only human, outside their technology." "Hanuk" glanced over at her twin. "She may be well-trained but she wasn't perfect and they can't anticipate everything. Plus their arrogance tends to leave them open in dealing with us. They'll expect only torture and perhaps a potion or two to loosen the tongue."

"A lesson we do well to heed." Bledsa eyed her.

"Sometimes we must take the risk and just throw the bones to land as they may..." she shrugged. "If I'm caught, I know little enough about other members and the Order's sacred escape will clear my mind in seconds, even if they can keep me alive."

"So we believe..." Bledsa noted. "Again heed the lesson, girl."

A knock drew them to the door...

"The doctor is here, Commander." Susl's voice.

"All right, a moment..." Bledsa called. "Have Calley fetch water."

Pause...He opened the door, the guards peering in to see "Hanuk" anxious by the bedside.

"Sir...I'm sorry to report Watchman Calley didn't return with the doctor." Susl sighed. "I will fetch the water, sir." She gave anxious expression...Calley clearly being quite the beloved fixture here, "Hanuk" noted, offering a nervous smile exact in Hanuk's manner.

"Your man had business in the tavern, I believe." The doctor, a distinguished-looking man in his sixties in maester's robes smiled. "He said he'd be back with supplies in the morning."

"Damn him..." Bledsa sighed. "Well, when he returns fine him and put him in the stockade for drunkenness, as usual." Susl nodding, with the slightest of smiles. "Come, Doctor. Lady Stark needs your care."

"Certainly..." genial tone, entering...

My only question being, Arya thought...Is Calley his true age or this or heck, is he my age?


Davos, summoned from his reverie by the female sailor who'd driven him about the harbor earlier, had boarded his official motorboat for the return trip to the base HQ...

If she been telling true and I believe she was, how had she acquired such power? I'd always assumed she'd been of some ruined House, with access to the world and the various magics, from charlatans to the true magic, it had to offer...But a mere peasant girl? Spurned and cast out after Tywin Lannister had done with her?

Still the Seven have called others of low birth in their turn...And Melisandre had never pretended to high birth, at least not in words.

And such treatment would surely have set a flame of rage that little could quench if the bearer found a way to channel it...Tools to be directed by it.

A bright Light indeed...That flame.

We'd thought her power unique, probably restricted to a few elite of special ability, like Lord Jon Stark's half brother. But if anyone can tap it, merely needing instruction...Or "divine" guidance... This could change all.

Yet others have tried and failed to do so...And we suspect the Dirters have been curious about such things, though even they...He pulled himself out of his reverie and scanned the harbor.

"The Sea Witch needs a good scraping down, pass that onto the harbormaster, would you?" he addressed Morgena, the sailor driving.

"Aye, Admiral." She nodded. "She is on the list but I'll remind him."

I suppose it's a mercy she still loves the little fellow, for Lady Sansa's sake, he thought.

"Yes?" he eyed Morgena whose question he'd only vaguely heard.

"Sorry, Admiral. Didn't mean to intrude. Just askin' if your boy was well?"

"Aye." He nodded. "Though inclined to misuse the King's ships and crews, he is. Haven't had much chance to see him as yet."

"His mother will be most pleased to see him, after so many months." She noted, nodding.

"She's been with him since he landed..." Davos smiled just a bit. "I'm the one who's been abandoned these last days. But just too much to do."

"Well, it's good you'll get to see him tonight, sir. Here we are, sir." She indicated the docks ahead.

"It will...He's the last of my brood till my new girl." Genuine beam.

"And your daughter fares well, sir?" respectfully curious.

"Crawling about everywhere, now, yes."

"Difficult things, children. But I suppose they bring their share of blessings." Morgena noted quietly.

"They do. So...?" he eyed her. "That fellow proposed again?" faintest of smiles.

"He did." Frown. "But I'm not ready to give answer. I like my independence." Firm tone as she slowed the boat for the pull-in to the dock .

"It's a hard thing to yoke yourself to another's oar. But it too has its blessings." He smiled.

"So I'm told...Too often." She made face briefly, moving quickly to catch and tie off the docking lines and shutting off the motor.

"Steady as she goes, Admiral. Always a pleasure."

"Mine as well. Have a good evening, Morgena." He saluted her, she coming to attention with crisp return salute,

"Sir." Nod.

He stepped off onto the dock and made for one of the pre-fab buildings.

Might be well to let Lannister know soon as possible...There may be secrets yet to her she might reveal to him.

And while the memory of Prince Renly's horrible murder stays with me still, if she'd wanted Tyrion or even my Lady Sansa dead...I'd say it's safe to bet she'd've found a way.


Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomWhere stories live. Discover now