Chapter 2 | Café Comma

Start from the beginning

Soohyeon and I parted ways, and I made my way to the bus station. Café Comma was in  Yeokchon-dong,  roughly 30 to 45 minutes away from where I work; I was now low key convinced that I was lured far from home to be murdered. But somehow, my idiotic self kept going. I made it early with 10 minutes to spare. It was a lovely café bookstore, a perfect combination for an after-work wind-down. Well, for me anyway. I timidly entered the place, almost hugging the walls as if I didn't want anyone to see me there.

I discreetly looked around as I browsed the bookshelves, pretending to look for a book. I was failing miserably at being slick, and I knew it.  I was so nervous; I thought maybe no one will show up and that it would have been a total scam, or it was a sick prank with hidden cameras and I'll become a laughingstock. 

As I carried on with my not so subtle book browsing, a voice behind me interrupted my thought process. "You don't need to look so nervous; I won't bite." I froze for a moment, thinking this. is. it. Panic washed over me at the sudden realization that whoever was on the other end of that text was finally here. I turn around slowly and see a man with his back facing me; I suspect he is flicking through a book. I nervously approach him and stop once I have a full view of his profile.  As I enter his range of vision, he turns to face me, closing the book he was holding.

He gives me the most beautiful smile and for a second, I firmly believed that maybe, just maybe,  I might not die tonight. "I'm glad you came; let's go have a seat over there", as he points to a table slightly away from view and earshot of the crowd. I complied but not before admiring the specimen before me. He looked like he was sculpted by the Gods themselves. They must have worked overtime to craft him because his features were out of this world. His hair fell perfectly in place, his eyes although barely visible held something deep, his lips were so plump and juicy, and.... oh wait, we're supposed to go take a seat. So off we go.

 "How did you know it was me?" I ask once we've settled at our table. "You were the only one who looked like you had something to hide," he replies with an eye smile. I'm pretty sure my face turned crimson at that stage. I let out an embarrassed chuckle at the man's comment. He nailed it on the head.

We ordered a hot drink and sipped on it in silence. He was observing me and never stopped smiling for a moment. I didn't dare to make eye contact with him; I just knew he was staring as I felt his gaze burn my skin. That'll teach me to forget to wear sunscreen...

"Do you know what help we offer?"  he suddenly asked. I gulped hard as I knew we were now getting down to business.

"To be honest, I don't really know. It's just that when I saw the ad, it spoke to me. Somehow I felt drawn to it." I sincerely explained.

He nodded at my words and his facial expression was one of genuine care and focus on me. He sat back into his chair and reached for his cup of hot chocolate. After taking a sip of it, he asked: "Are you happy?" I was confused by his question. Are you happy is such a vague question. Am I happy? Yes, I'm not homeless and I have food to eat. But is it what he meant?

"Your question is so broad, so I am not sure I am getting the true meaning of it. Could you, please, be more specific maybe?" I asked, hoping I was not being rude.

"Sure, I'll rephrase my question," he said, still smiling. "Are you feeling fulfilled? Are you on the outside the same person you are on the inside? ". This was definitely a bit more specific, yet I was still unsure. But I wanted to have a go at answering his question.

"Being fulfilled... It can cover so many aspects of life, but I'll answer your question with my own situation in mind."

He nodded, prompting me to carry on speaking. He was crossing his fingers together on the table, a permanent smile on his face.

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