"Patch it the fuck through then!" Pantheris growls into the floorplates.

"OOH, Nice hams, cat boy!" one of the droids would exclaim, before pulling out a camera, taking a picture, and running out of the room, cackling like a robot gone mad.

"Shiva.  I'm going. to kill. your droids." Pantheris growls slowly into the floorplates.

He then gets up and sweeps his undergarments into his hand before putting them on and looking around before a hologram of a very beautiful Ketrean lit up his room.

The ketrean in question was lavishly decorated in jewelry and adorned with the markings of heraldry.

"Holy shitcakes!  It's Bastet!  Wait, why in the everliving fuck would she be sending a distress signal?!" Pantheris exclaimed.

"Hello?!  Is anyone out there receiving?" The female asks urgently.

"My ship, the Bast, was waylaid on another mission and I need rescue!  Someone, anyone, please help me!  Quick!" the visage of Bastet relays before the message shuts off abruptly.

As the message shut off, Pantheris would see what he swore were three eyes in the darkness.

"Shiva, can you aim and fire at those eyes?" Pantheris directs.

"I don't see anything." Shiva states, bringing up a hologram of the Veniriom.

"Just aim all weapons at point three dot eight two six and fire them!" Pantheris orders.

The weapons would aim at the position specified, the turrets swinging to the specified aiming point.  After a period of time during which the weapons spooled up to full power, there was a loud crackling zap as all of the weapons which could fire, did.

There was a huge rumble and groan as the ship shook from some kind of impact, but a white light would appear in the darkness.

"Is that?!" Pantheris exclaimed.

"Dimension fold initiated." Shiva replied.

With the wind up and zap that followed, they were over a rust-colored planet called Zadus Prime.

"We're out!" Everyone exclaimed happily.

"You've got some ship." Viper said.

"You've earned a chocolate volcano muffin." Shiva states.

"Oh my god, Shiva, for me?" Pantheris asks tearfully.

"It will be done in five minutes." Shiva states.

"Now let's go rescue the herald goddess of my people, or, who I think is said goddess, anyway." Pantheris excitedly mewls.

Now, chocolate volcano muffins, or, as we Earthlings call them, lava cakes, are an earth delicacy which almost all species enjoy, especially Ketarans.  Ketarans have many trade deals with Earth in order to obtain these morsels of chocolaty goodness.

Lita, however, only scowls and growls at Pantheris.  Who does this "Bastet" think she is anyway?!

Pantheris, meanwhile, suits up, putting on his helmet and suit, only to find that he is absolutely alone in the ready room.

"Is no one coming with me?" Pantheris asks.

"Fuck no!" Lita angrily shouts.

"I mean, to be fair, Pantheris, this could be a trap." Shiva states.

"Can I at least get some reinforcements?" Pantheris asks.

"I have two hundred fifty-" Shiva states before being interrupted by Pantheris.

"Hell no." Pantheris replies.

"But my droids are armed with-" Shiva tried to reply.

"Just fucking no!" Pantheris growls.

"They're the ultimate-" Shiva tried again to state.

"FUCK! NO!" Pantheris roars loudly.

"Fine, refuse my help." Shiva states before every display turns red with a giant angry face.

"Alright." Pantheris says before heading to the hangar.

Pantheris, now alone, would get into a Lynx fighter and head toward the planet.

"Okay, Shiva, point me at Bastet." he says.

"The coordinates placed her at Naztin prison colony." Shiva states.

"Holy shit.  My cheeks are in it this time." Pantheris replies.

"Your hams are roasting." Shiva states.

Naztin penal colony was a hyper-max security prison which nobody was able to break into or out of.  It had turrets, railguns, missile launchers, and laser cannons, oh my.  It was also equipped with the latest forcefields, biometric security measures, and electronic security fences.  It was the place where Bastet was being kept, and Pantheris needed a plan.

Luckily, Pantheris knew that the guards were mercs, mercenaries, and a little payment went a long way to grease the hinges in.

Pantheris, now having a plan in mind, would walk to the visitation office and ask to see bastet.

"Family friend." he said, presenting a thousand credits.

The guard looked at the cash, then Pantheris, then back at the cash, before looking around, quietly pocketing the credits, and directing Pantheris inside...

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