Chapter 2 (A Whole New Earth)

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Author's Note: This one is a bit more weirdly paced, I guess, but I really wanted to get it out. I wrote it within an entire day, and now my hands can barely type anymore. RIP my wrists. Still, I thank all of you for your support. I'm very excited for the future of this project! I hope you enjoy this one! I especially had fun writing the "interactions" between Optimus and Maru. They're the cutest BFFs! <3

Everything was silent, and dark. It had been for... well, Optimus didn't know how long. He didn't know it was silent and dark until he woke up. The last thing he remembered before falling into stasis was Soundwave shooting an energy blast at the mountain that overlooked the current battlefield, and then an avalanche buried almost everyone around Optimus. Now, he was jolted awake by some sort of humanoid. It jumped back in surprise at the noise Optimus was making. After a few seconds, he managed to calm down just enough to turn off his lights, his engine still roaring. The humanoid, presumably female, was quite tall, or at least she was by human standards. She didn't look quite like a human, but she still looked incredibly similar to one. A black mask of sorts surrounded and connected her two eyes, and when she opened her mouth, Optimus could see fangs of sorts. The humanoid didn't seem hostile, just surprised at the no doubt sudden noise Optimus had made.

But, he didn't know enough to be sure of his situation, so he made the decision to stay silent, and in his alt mode until he knew more. The female had jumped back towards her workbench for a moment, but looking at her surroundings, she seemed to be making sure she hadn't crushed or damaged anything. Nothing was damaged, but she still seemed nervous. After a moment, the female walked over to Optimus, and gingerly climbed inside his cab. She grabbed the steering wheel and extended her feet to the gas pedals, making sure not to put any pressure on them. The female seemed to be in awe, although Optimus wasn't sure at what she was in awe about, but her eyes showed immense joy in them. At that, she snapped back to reality, reaching for a tool in her belt. Optimus quickly realized what the creature was likely trying to do, and allowed a set of keys to appear in the ignition. The more she believed he was a normal truck, the better.

The female gently took the keys out of the ignition, followed by Optimus allowing his engine to slow down just enough that it appeared he had turned off. Once he was "off", the female seemingly spoke to Optimus. "Sorry buddy-er, truck. We can't go driving yet!" Optimus panicked slightly at this, until the female spoke again, seemingly scolding herself. "Am I seriously talking to a truck? I really need to get a life." The female got out of the cab, and ever so gently closed the door. Immediately, she dialed something on her cell phone. Optimus listened closely to the call.

"Sup nerd? I thought you were working?" a higher, faster female voice answered on the other end.

"KAHE GET OVER HERE! You've GOT to see this!" The first female yelled into the phone.

"Ow! Calm down, Maru! That hurt my ear!"

So this one is named Maru? Good to know.

Maru winced, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"


"You're fine, Maru!" The one called Kahe sounded slightly annoyed at this. "Anyways, if it's that cool, I'm heading over right now!" Followed by a click on Kahe's end.


Only a few minutes passed, and another, much smaller, humanoid walked in through a door across the garage. Optimus assumed it to be the one called Kahe. Kahe had what looked like work overalls on, with a large, green baseball cap that had some sort of fish logo on it, big rubber boots and gloves that went to her elbows.

Maru walked over to greet the smaller humanoid. Maru easily towered over Kahe. Optimus guessed Maru was maybe somewhere around 9 feet tall, and Kahe maybe around 4 feet.

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