"Did you drink water and eat last night?" Matt asked Tom. He shook his head and looked down.

"You need to hydrate," Rob added. The bell rang and I realized we were going to be late. I grabbed Toms arm.

"Let's go," I sighed pulling Tom with me. He yelped and pulled his arm away. "Tom why did that hurt?"
I looked at him worried and reached for his arm. He whimpered and held his arms tight to his sides.
"Tom what's going on?" I asked inching towards him. He shook his head and backed away. "Okay let's just go to class."

We sat at lunch and I looked over at Tom. He was reading a book, his glasses were laying crooked on his face. I looked across the table to where Matt was throwing M&M's into Robs mouth. I smiled at them and grabbed one of Robs candy's. Rob turned and looked at me, he glared at me. "Those are my candys," rob frowned.

"I'm sorry," I chuckled.

"You two are so dramatic," Matt smiled and turned to Tom, "How's that book?"
Tom put it down and shrugged, he slid the book over to Matt. Matt flipped through the first few pages and handed it back to Tom.
"That seems really sad," he frowned.
Tom shrugged and picked back up where he left off.
I looked at Matt and Rob, they both sighed all of us glancing at Tom. All of us were worried about him, more than usual.


I walked down the hall feeling vulnerable, this was the one period where I wasn't in a class with Matt, Rob, or Si. I was walking down the stairs clinging my book to my chest. I felt someone push me and I fell face first down the stairs. I hit the bottom and whimpered. I looked up and saw Bryce, the same kid who'd been harassing me.
"Get up faggot," he laughed. I squirmed off the ground, he pushed me and I stumbled into lockers. He grabbed me by the collar of the hoodie and pressed me up against the wall. He punched me and threw me on the ground again before walking away laughing with his friends. I got up off the ground and ran to the bathrooms, I slipped into a stall and locked the door. I cried in there until the end of the day.

I cuddled into Si on the couch, my dad made it clear he wouldn't be home for the rest of the week. Which made it perfect for Si and I to have some time together.
"Do we wanna watch something?" Si asked pulling me impossibly closer to him. I nodded and picked up the remote flipping through Netflix. I looked at Si as I stopped on the movie 'The Edge of 17'.
"You want to watch this?" He asked, I nodded and clicked on it.
As the movie played I was drifting off after my day. I had my arms sling across Si's chest, I had about drifted off to sleep. Then I felt Si's touch on my arm, I flinched and bolted awake.
"Tom what is going on?..." he sighed in a concerned way. I bit my lip as tears started falling from my eyes again. I slowly rolled up the hoodie sleeve and showed him my wrist.
"Oh baby no," he hugged me and rocked me back and forth. The tears kept falling, he couldn't find out about the bruises on my sides or stomach.
"Tom what are you not telling me?" Si asked pulling me into him. I started shaking as I started taking the hoodie off of my slim body. I pulled the hoodie off of me and set it to the side. I cried as Si stared at all the bruises and scars from beatings.
"Oh my god Tom...what happened?" He ran his hands through my hair and held me carefully and closely to him.
I let out a sob and pulled my notebook from my bag.
I sighed then tossed it to the side and cuddled into Si's chest. I took a deep breathe and pushed it out. "I'm so-sorry I di-didn't tell you..." I choked out, "My d-dad did this..."

"Are you fucking serious?" Si yelled sitting up.

"N-no it's ok-Okay," I stuttered

"No you need to get out of this house Tom!" Si argued.

"No Simon, my d-dad needs me," I argued back.

"Tom he's physically abusing you," Si pressed the topic to me. I started crying again and just pulled Si close to me and kissed him. I moved my lips with his, he ran his hands down my already shirtless body.

"Okay ma-maybe I'll go with you," I whispered into the crook of his neck.
Later on Si helped me pack the things I'd need to stay with him. I kept trying to think this is a good thing for me.
We packed my things into Si's car and I got in the front.
Si took my hand as I started shaking, "it's okay Love." We drove away from my house, the closest thing I had to a home.


Tom was in the bathroom showering, I called Matt who was with Rob.
"He talked!?" Matt blurted through the phone after I had told them.

"Yeah, he told me about how his dad like hits him. I knew he had it rough I just didn't think it was that bad." I sighed.

"I feel so bad that we were missing things," Rob said.

"He's got bruises and scars all over his body from his dad," I sighed into the phone.

"Oh my god!" Rob shouted, "I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

"Rob shhhh Toms in my bathroom," I sighed.

"Sorry about him," Matt sighs, "Is he going to be okay?..."

"I don't know I convinced him to move out,"

"That's good, please keep an eye on him." Matt sighed, "Anyways I have to go."

"Bye," I sighed.

"Bye," Matt and Rob said In sync. I hung up and set my phone down. I poked my head in my bathroom.

"Tom are you doing okay in there?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied in a small voice.

"Okay, I set some clothes on the counter for you."

"Thank you," he sighed.

Tom came out of the bathroom in my hoodie and some shorts. He had dried tears on his face, he let out a whimper.
"I love you so much Tom," I sighed and wrapped my arms around his thin fragile body, "I just want you to be happy and I'll be here every step of the way."

"I love you too," he whispered into my ear and pulled himself further into me.
Tom was probably the best thing to ever happen to me and I imagine he felt the same way. I was prepared to help him as much as I can, I wanted to build a life with him. And he wanted the same.

I came up with like the first part then like drove the other parts all over. This probably sucked I'm sorry now enjoy this picture edit guyer I made of Tom.

 This probably sucked I'm sorry now enjoy this picture edit guyer I made of Tom

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