Imagine 18: The Forbidden Love

Start from the beginning

"y/n it me Lydia, Can you open the door so i can come in and we can talk about how much of an idiot your brother is?" She asked, the door opened and Lydia walked in, before closing the door. Stiles and I looked at each other before Stiles threw his arms around my shoulders and pulled me back down stairs towards the living room to watch TV. 

Your POV:

You and Lydia were sitting on your bed, "I don't get it Lydia why can't Scott just accept the fact that Theo and I are together I accepted him and Kira why can't he do the same?" I asked as I looked up at Lyida

"I honestly can't tell you why or what he is thinking Y/n, that's him but I get it, I understand where you are coming from..." Lyida said as she wrapped and arm around my shoulder "but can't you see where your brother is coming from, he never wants to see you get hurt or anyone hurt you, he just wants to protect you because he loves you
y/n/n and he doesn't want you to get your heart broken besides big brothers are meant to be protective of their younger siblings" Lydia said.

I nodded, "yea your right but Scott knows that I can handle myself after all I'm a pretty good hunter thanks to Mr Argent" I said. Lydia's Phone rang right at the moment "look I gotta go, call me if you need anything" she said before hugging me and walking off.

10 mins later : still your pov:

I left my room, and walked down stairs making sure I  had my phone in my pocket. "Where are you going?" Scott asked "I'm going to Theo because we need to talk" I replied before walking out of the house and started walking to Theo's place.

Skip walk.

Once I reached Theo's I knocked on the door. After a few minutes of waiting outside Theo finally answered the door. "Babe, what are you doing here?, I thought Scott wanted you home?" He asked while moving so I could go inside.

"Well I talked to Lydia and she kinda said something's that made sense, but I don't want to break up with you Theo, but I know I have to, because at the moment I'm so sick of fighting with Scott about our relationship, and it's making my home life so much more complicated then it should be even our mum is getting sick of it, I'm sorry Theo" I said as tears were running down my face.

I looked up at Theo to see him sitting on his couch with his head in his hands. "There has to be another way,I can't lose you, your the only good thing in my life that is holding me together" he said as he looked up at me, I could see him holding back tears.

"I'm sorry Theo but this is what's best for us, I'm sorry I have to go" I said as I turned away from his living room and out towards the front door, I knew he was following me, so I turned one last time and kissed him, which he kissed back.

I pulled away, "I love you Theo" I whispered before walking out of his door and walking all the way back home.

I decided to take a short cut through the reserve when it started raining. I kept walking until I saw my house.

I walked in when I saw the whole pack. "Y/n!?" Lydia said as everyone's attention fell on me "what happened?, Did Theo hurt you?" Scott asked this made you angry "NO SCOTT THEO DIDNT HURT ME YOU DID BECAUSE YOU LEFT ME NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BREAK UP WITH HIM, SO I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY" I said as I ran up stairs slamming my bedroom.door close and locking it, including my bedroom window.

Before walking into my bathroom and locking that door as well. before sliding down the door and letting all my sobs out.

After a few minutes I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I saw my hair had fallen out of the ponytail as well as it was wet from rain, my eyes were red from crying, my cheeks were Rosey red from walking in the cold rain. I decided to go for a shower and freshen up.

Thank God tomorrow is Saturday so I don't have to worry about school. I got dressed into my Pjs and  got into bed and I decided to watch  Fresh Prince of  Bel air on Netflix. when there was a knock on the door, "Y/n, are you okay in there?" I heard mum's voice, "Y/n, I know your upset but you need to eat, so can you please open up this door?" my asked I sighed and opened the door, there stood My mother, with a plate of Cheese and Ham  Toasted Sandwiches. "i'm not hungry but thanks any way mum" i said as i walked away from the door and sat down on the bed, "Come on Hun, i know your upset over your break up with Theo but you can't starve yourself" Mum said as she sat down on my bed after she placed the plate down on my bedside table. 

"mum i'm honestly not hungry, I'm just really tired" I replied when I laid down under my blanket and rested my head on my pillow, I heard my mother sigh, "You know Scott is beating himself up about all of this, He just wanted to protect you and prevent you from getting hurt" Mum said "Yea that's what everyone keeps saying except everyone forgot that when Kira and Scott got together I didn't like it because Kira was rude towards me, but instead of getting them to break up like Scott just did with me and Theo, I accepted the fact that my brother was dating the girl that was rude towards me so why cant he accept my relationship with Theo?" I asked as i sat up clearly getting angry again. 

"I don't know" Mum sighed, "exactly" I said as i turned over so my back was facing her, "i'm going to sleep so turn the light off and close the door on your way out please." I said as i wrapped the blanket around myself tighter. My mother stood up from the bed and walked out closing the door and turning the lights off. once the door closed i burst into tears, crying myself to sleep. 

Theo's POV: 

After y/n left i followed her to make sure she got home okay. Once she was home i turned around and walked home and sat on the couch in thought about everything she said, Until it made me angry, why is it that the girl I'm in love with told me she loved me right before she broke up with me all because of her brother. I was so angry that i needed to get out of the house for a bit, I decided to go for run. 

Skip run: 

Once i got home i grabbed my phone and messaged Y/n, but she never replied, I know we're broken up, but i need to make this work. I need her, because i love her. 

I decided that tomorrow I was going to talk to Scott about it because i am not giving up on her, on us, I will fight for her even if it means letting Scott beat the crap out of me. I went for a shower. once i was out of the shower I got dressed and jumped into bed, watching The big bang Theory on Netflix. 

The next day Theo's pov: 

I went to the McCall household and knocked on the door. Scott was the one who opened it. "Before you close the door, we need to talk Scott" I said he nodded and stepped aside so I could walk inside, and we could talk about things.

We sat down on the couch in the living room, however I could hear another heartbeat inside the house. Y/n. "Scott the reason why I am here is because I need you to know that I would never let anything happen to her, I know that I'm a chimera but I would never drag your sister into any of my fights" I said as Scott looked at me. " I understand where you're coming from, but I don't trust you nor do I want my sister in any danger so you need to understand where I am coming from, I need to protect her." Scott said "I do understand your reasons Scott, but I love your sister and I would kill anyone who would harm her, and I would die before I let anyone hurt her" I said as I looked at Scott. He looked at me for a

"go away Scott" she yelled, I opened the door, "its not Scott" I replied as I walked into her room, she looked horrible probably just as much as I did.

She got out of bed and ran into my arms, "Theo" she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her tight, "Hey baby" I whispered into her hair as she buried her face into my chest. "Y/n, I approve of you and Theo, but Theo you hurt her i'll make you regret it" Scott said before walking out of his sisters room, she looked at me and cupped my cheek before locking her lips with mine. 

Once we pulled away we laid on her bed and decided to cuddle while we watch Netflix deciding to watch a movie called Miracles From Heaven, however we fell asleep in each others arms and ended waking up around the time the credits to the movie started to roll. 


Enjoy hope you like it this one is a long imagine'

2328 words 

Silverwolf xxx

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