Act XI ║ Alpha of Alphas

Start from the beginning

He stands to his his full height, doubling my own, and brings his hands up, one behind his back, the other fisted over his chest as he bends at the waist. A bow.

To me.

"Welcome to my home, Your Grace. It is an honor to welcome a daughter of the Dracul line to our shores."

My head feels heavy as I mirror his bow, not having to bend at the torso as much due to his towering height. "The honor is all mine, Your Majesty."

He straightens and extends his arm my way. "Please, take a seat. You must be tired."

My hand flutters to his, dark night against cold ice, and I allow him to lead me to the chair next his ivory headseat, a throne in it of itself.
I bow my head, sitting, and give a sidelong glance at the monarch. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am most appreciative." the sound of my words blending in with the crackling of the fire.

He is a warrior bedecked in finery. Fenrys Ulrykson wears a cobalt-and-sterling jacket, a cape of grey fur hangs from his shoulders and a sword is sheathed at his side.
An expression of serene coolness holds his features when he meets my gaze, but it quickly melts into a gentle grin as he looks toward his Luna. "I hope your chambers were to your liking, my mate prepared them herself. She wanted everything to be perfect for your arrival."

Tala, ever splendid in another white fur coat, this one lazily hung from her arms. It reveals an exquisite confection of cobalt that dips between her breast and is hoisted from her neck and made to fit her every curve and dip.

"And indeed they are, Your Highness, truly befitting of a princess." I say, abandoning the careful survey of the Luna- fast enough to catch the smile she shoots me. I might have returned it, had I not been focusing so much on keeping my hands from shaking. "Thank you, Queen Luna. I'm flattered that you went through such pains for my comfort."

She nods, slowly and delicately. "Oh, it's really nothing, princess. You will be part of the family soon, it was my pleasure to ensure you felt at ease and welcomed."

The Alpha King then places a hand on top the hilt of his sword. It's head formed to resemble a Feral, a depiction of an original shifter, open-mouthed and screaming. None that came before that broad blade lived to see another day. All knew the name of that sword, for it was the sword of a true Alpha.
Chimera is its name.

"These will be an interesting upcoming days, don't you agree, princess?" Fenrys muses, and I can feel his attention still on my face. I grind my teeth as the other Northan leaders chatter in agreement. "A most crucial time - One that promises glory and power for us all, if we play things right and once the Armistice has been officiated, of course."

"Of course."

My gaze slips to the Alpha's face, dark blue orbs waiting for me. He smirks. And my bones crack and splinter at the sight.

Behind him, strips of grey silk hang from the raptors. Just like through the city, they flicker in remembrance for the fallen King and father. "Our deepest condolences, Your Majesty. I cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling at the loss of your father."

"May the northern wind carry him to fairer plains." The Alpha King breaths.

"Yes, may former Alpha King Branon find eternal peace in his return to the Mother." Aunt Ksenia adds as she takes a sip of the wine glass in her hand, tone grave yet unflinching.

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