Chapter 27- "Star your awake!!!"

Start from the beginning

"Yea...I do remember"-Star 

Storm gave Star a soft smile while Star returned one back to him. 

"Are you done looking at each other"-Doctor Azura 

Storm and Star looked at Doctor Azura with death glares. They weren't scared, but they were irritated that he had to ruin the moment. 

"Star since your awake can you lift up your arm so I can see how the healing is going"-Doctor Azura 

Star then lift up her arm where is was bandage from her forearm to elbow. Doctor Azura slowly peeled off the bandage and soon the bandage was off every creatures face looked stunned. Star's arm was perfectly okay no bruises, no cuts, no blood. It was like the arm was never even injured. 


"(How)"-Doctor Azura 

"(That can't be)"-Star 

"This was just like last time Doctor Azura"-Storm 

"Indeed"-Doctor Azura 

"Last time? What in the angels are you talking about? Last time?"-Star 

"When you were still unconscious Doctor Azura recently found out about you healing yourself. Even I never seen that in my life"-Storm 

"Star did you know about you being able to heal yourself"-Doctor Azura 

"Absolutely not"-Star

"Hmmm...strange something like this doesn't happen to creatures that I've taken care of in my life"-Doctor Azura 

"Is that consider a good thing or a bad thing"-Storm 

"More like in between"-Doctor Azura 

"Doctor Azura not to sound rude to your medical skills, but exactly why is it in between"-Star 

"Well it's a good thing because your magic can be very powerful and your body is consider very healthy, but it's a bad thing considering we don't know for sure where the healing is coming from"-Doctor Azura 

"What do you suggest it comes from"-Storm 

"Well I'm no expert, but I would say it comes from dark magic"-Doctor Azura 

"D-dark m-magic"-Star 

"Indeed, but then again I could be wrong"-Doctor Azura 

Star then had a worried face which made Storm turned towards Doctor Azura and gave him a death glare. 

"Of course I need to be off somewhere I must go"-Doctor Azura 

Doctor Azura then left which means that Storm and Star were alone again. 

"Star are you alright"-Storm 

"I'm not gonna lie I'm a little terrified. What if it is dark magic healing me? Am I going to die?"-Star 

"Star please don't think that you know I won't let anything or any creature hurt you. Not when I'm still alive"-Storm 

"But Storm-"-Star 

"Star don't put this stress on yourself. When you do that you make me worry and then you go and do those things again"-Storm 

"I know, but ever since we are maturing lots of stress has been going on and I don't know if I'm suitable for it"-Star 

"I know what you mean Star, but we must handle it and I promise I will protect you. I failed once. I-I broke m-my p-promise"-Storm 

Storm then started to have tears rolling down his cheek. He was crying. Storm has never wept ever since he attacked Star. It was like he was numb to his surroundings and the only thing that can save him from this numbness was Star. Star on the other hand was shocked. She hated seeing creatures she care about broken. Star then wrapped her hands on Storm's head and pulled him closer to her body. 

"Storm it's okay it's alright. You didn't break our promise, you made it stronger. You saved me from hurting me and others. That would never be considered a broken promise."-Star 

Star kept continuing saying sweet and gentle words to Storm to try to calm him down. Soon Storm stopped crying, but he was still sad, so Star had an idea. 

"You know the dance that's coming up soon"-Star 

"Indeed what of it"-Storm 

"Why not we go and enjoy. You know as friends"-Star 

"But I thought you hate going to parties and dances especially like these"-Storm 

"Well just this once I'll make an exception. Besides Flare and Pink will not stop taunting me until I go, might as well correct?  "-Star 

"(Grin) Correct my dear"-Storm 

"So would you care to join me then"-Star 

"Why not. Better then Xavier asking you right"-Storm 





Doctor Azura soon opened the Star's door to see Star sleeping and holding onto Storm's head while he was also sleeping. 

"(I guess I'll come back later when they both wake up)"-Doctor Azura 


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