Haz Osterfield Imagine!

Start from the beginning

Harrison, too, has tears rolling down his cheeks. What you said was truly emotional.

"Thank you for that. I don't know what to say, but I'll come up with something." Harrison slightly chuckles, causing you to chuckle too.

"I guess I'll start by saying, I love you too, but not in the way I've loved you before. You still hold a special place in my heart, but I've clearly moved on now. You'll find the guy you're going to marry soon. Maybe he's stuck in traffic or something." he jokes, lightening up the mood.

"Those three years with you was great. We were happy, but that's just a memory now. It's a memory that I definitely won't forget. You and I grew together, yet we grew apart as we did so. However, our relationship helped me become a better person and I hope it helped you too. We're both good, just not for each other." he smiles sadly, wiping his tears.

"I would really love to still be friends with you, because you're such a great person." He says, hopeful.

"Of course we can still be friends, Haz." you smile, wiping your tears and pulling him into a bone crushing hug. He laughs and hugs back.

"Ready to get signed up for the rest of your life?" you jokingly say as you pull away.

"Hell yeah!" Harrison laughs. You both stand up and fix yourselves. As if on cue, Tom knocks on the door and opens it, "Haz, it's time."

You and Harrison look at each other before heading to the door.


The ceremony was beautiful and it made you question where the hell the love of your life is. Maybe Harrison was right; maybe the guy really is stuck in traffic. Or maybe he's spilling his coffee somewhere.

You're at the reception and everyone is slow dancing to the music whilst you're sitting down, sipping your wine.

"Bored, huh?" you hear a voice from beside you. You look to your left and smile when you see Tom. He looks at you as he chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm kind of bored. Are you bored too?" you ask him. He nods and says, "Yeah. Mainly because I have no one to slow dance with."

"Same here." you sigh. Comfortable silence falls on both of you. Just then, Tom breaks it, "D-Do you want to dance with- with me?"

You smile at him and nod. You both stand up and he leads you to the dance floor.  With his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck, you both sway to the music.

"How are you? Y'know with all this." Tom asks.

"Hurt, but happy." you say in a soft voice. He nods and asks again, "Why are you hurt?"

"I'm hurt, because he finally found the one for him and it's not me. I'm also hurt at the fact that I haven't found the love of my life yet." you chuckle.

"Are you sure? Did you look hard enough?" Tom asks. You look at him and it's your turn to ask, "What do you mean?"

"Well, maybe the guy for you is just around the corner, y'know. He might not be a stranger; he might be your long time friend or an old classmate. You never know, Y/N. Maybe he's the one who's been there for you through ups and downs; y'know he's seen you in your lowest and greatest points." Tom suggests.

You think about someone who's always been there for you who's already in your life. Tom speaks up during your thinking and says, "I don't know about you, but I've known the love of my life ever since I met her."

"Really? How? And why are you still single if she's the one?" you scoff.

"Yes, really. I just knew from the moment she came into my life. I haven't asked her out yet, because I'm waiting until she's ready for a new relationship; until her heart's ready to love again." Tom explains.

"Who is it?" you ask, curiously.

"You." Tom says with no hesitation.

"Don't fuck with me, Thomas. It's not funny." you say with a slight chuckle.

"I'm serious. It's you. I have this gut feeling that it'll be you who I'll be spending the rest of my life with. My mum had the same gut feeling too the first time she met you, y'know when we bumped into you at the grocery store. Ever since then, she hasn't stopped asking about you and talking about you. She really likes you for me and believe me when I say that she's never reacted that way to any of the girls I've dated before. Besides, why do you think I've stayed single ever since I met you? I wanted to devote myself to you, but you got together with Harrison and I've never felt so heartbroken. But I still didn't date anyone, because I really believed that we'd be together in the future. So, all this time, I've just been waiting for you and I'm willing to wait for you until you're ready to enter a new relationship." Tom says, pouring his heart out to you.

You smile at him and nod, "Since you waited this long, you deserve a chance. I'm willing to try."

"I don't want to force you if you're not ready." Tom tells you.

"No, I'm ready to start again." you chuckle.

"We'll take it slow, love." Tom smiles. "I'd be the happiest man in the world when we make it official."

"It may be sooner than you think." you giggle. Tom smiles and pulls you closer. You put your head on his shoulder as you continue to slow dance in comfortable silence.

And just then, your heart started to beat again; realizing that the love of your life was in front of you all along. Only this time, this love won't end.

* * * *

A/N: hope y'all like it bc i did x

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