1.01 Pilot

56 1 0

(Y/N)= Your name

(Y/H/C)= Your hair color

(Y/E/C)= Your eye color

(Y/H/T)= Your hometown

(Y/F/F)= Your favorite food

(Y/N/N)= Your nickname 



     22 YEARS AGO...

     The family was preparing to settle down for the night. The beautiful blonde haired mother carried the 2 year old girl in her arms while the 4 year old boy held her hand.

     "Come on let's say goodnight to your brother." She said warmly as they entered the nursery and the mother turned on the light. She set the little girl down who immediately clung to her big brothers hand.

     The two siblings used a step to lean over the crib of the 6 month old baby. The little girl went first being assisted by her older brother so she wouldn't fall. "Night Hammy." She mumbled kissing him on the cheek. She hopped down off the stool and wandered over to her mother while her brother had his turn.

     "Night Sam." He said kissing the baby's forehead.

     "Goodnight love." The mother cooed over her baby. She leaned over and kissed his forehead.

     "Hey Dean." A low voice sounded from the doorway. "Hey (Y/N)."

     The two kids turned around. "Daddy!" They said in unison running to him.

     The father picked the both of them up, one in each arm. "Hey kiddos. So, what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?"

     (Y/N) giggled and shook her head.

     Dean laughed also shaking his head, "No Daddy."

     "No." The father scoffed in agreement.

     "Got them?" The mother asked as she passed by.

     "I got them." The father answered hugging both of his children close in his arms. "Sweet dreams, Sam." He said before turning around. He put Dean down and shut off the light to the nursery.

     The children were put to bed sleeping soundly in their own rooms. The mother fell asleep in the bed while the father watched TV downstairs. He had meant to only watch a little bit but he eventually fell asleep in the recliner the TV still blaring in the background.

     The TV was playing some show about a war. The sounds reached the father's ears and caused horrible memories to run through his mind. He was only dreaming but the noise still made his heart pound as he recalled his time in the U.S. Marine Corps.

     Meanwhile in the nursery the nightlight was flickering. The animals above little Sam's bed began to spin and the clock stopped ticking.

     Beside the mother's bed the baby monitor went off waking her. She turned on the light and called for her husband, "John?" she asked hoping he'd get up and take care of it. When no reply was heard she blearily got up and made her way to the nursery. She paused seeing the figure of her husband standing over the bed. "John, is he hungry?"

     "Shhhh." was the only response she received.

     "Okay." She replied deciding to let her husband deal with it. At the end of the hall a light flickered. She made her way over and tapped on it causing it to return to normal. Hearing noises downstairs she went down to investigate. At the foot of the stairs her heart froze when she saw John snoring soundly in his recliner.

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