Year 3// Game Plan

Start from the beginning

Frustrated, you slammed your book shut and got up loudly, earning a few shushes and glares from other students.

You left the library determined, heading to the Slytherin common room. In hindsight, this was a terrible plan, and you should've seen how it would go wrong a mile off. But you weren't thinking straight.

You knocked on the door, well, banged on the door. It swung open.

"Ew, what are you doing here?" an all too familiar voice said. Pansy.

But you couldn't be asked to entertain her. "Is Malfoy there? I have something important to tell him."

"Draco wants nothing to do with mudbloods like you, so get lost." Pansy snarled. You simply rolled your eyes, stepping into the doorway and pushing Pansy aside as you walked into the Slytherin common room.

You'd been here last year, posing as Pansy, and it was still one of the most calming places in Hogwarts to you. The gentle sound of the Black Lake around the room could easily put you to sleep.

You looked around for Draco, spotting him sitting on a leather seat by the fire, chatting to Blaise.

When he noticed you, his relaxed demeanor changed and he instantly stood up. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he said angrily, his voice raised.

"Drakie-poo I'm so sorry! She just barged in --" Pansy cut in.

"I need to speak to you." you said firmly, ignoring Pansy. "Alone."

Blaise gave a wolf whistle and a chuckle. You and Draco were quick to retort to that.

"Shut up!"

"Oh, fuck off Zabini."

Draco sighed heavily and agreed to hearing you out, but motioned for you to move outside. The conversation would be happening in the corridor.

"Drakie-poo, are you sure? I can keep an eye out if you want -" Pansy started.

"I'll be five minutes, Pansy." Draco replied curtly. She hesitantly nodded and let the two of you leave, but not before giving you a nasty glare.

The second you were outside the common room, Draco glared at you. "Well? What is it?" he demanded, crossing his arms, looking rather irritated.

"Oliver's got a girlfriend." you said.

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose. "(L/n), I'm the one who told you this."

"Yeah, well, I'm just giving you some context!" you said defensively.

Draco sighed exasperatedly.

"Anyway," you continued. "Remember that Love Potion I bought from Hogsmeade?"

Draco's ears perked up and he looked at you curiously.

"Well..." you said, twiddling your thumbs nervously. "I-I want to use it. On him."

Draco raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Oh?" he said, a smirk on his face. "I thought you said it wouldn't be right?"

You waved a hand dismissively. "That was until I couldn't get any work done because I'm not over this stupid crush."

Draco laughed. "You know it's only temporary right? And with a potion from Zonko's... who knows how long it'll last?"

"Yeah, I know." you said. You knew this was a terrible idea, and definitely morally ambiguous, but you weren't thinking straight.

"Alright then. I'll help tomorrow at the library, an hour before dinner." Draco said.

"The library? Won't there be people there?" you asked.

Draco shook his head. "It's Sunday. The only people at the library are probably an overly keen first-year and Granger."

You shot him a look at the mention of Hermione. "Fine, tomorrow it is." you said, taking a step back.

"See you." Draco said, turning around and walking back into his common room.

Sure, Draco didn't really want to spend time with you, but he was extremely curious about how a sweet little Hufflepuff could even consider using a Love Potion on someone. Maybe he'd find out.

Sorry for the long wait! But here we are: a new chapter! Hope you enjoyed this!

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