Chapter Forty-Seven - Cracks

Start from the beginning

Ah, the blessings of our newest technological discovery - the mind sweep. As Xander went through his rather rapid hybridization, we were able to sweep away any memories of his previous life. It was like working with a very clean slate.

"And to be quite honest, I really don't want you to keep trying to make me remember her."

I smirked and stood up from my chair. Looking out the window, I frowned as I saw the survivor camps in the distance. "How are the plans for our surprise coming? I really want it to be grand."

"Almost ready. General, if I may?" Sana walked over to me and I kept my eyes on the window. It had always been clear to me that she had high ambitions and sought to make me happy, just like a loyal dog.

"Go ahead, Sana."

"Why are you giving them this time to plan their escape or retaliation? I fear this game you're playing may backfire on us."

I slowly slid my gaze over to her. She shrunk under it and I was glad to see her silently submitting. "Why, Sana? Why are you in such a hurry? Learn to enjoy the pleasure of the hunt. The joy of watching your victim try to think of a way of getting away from you, a way of defeating you perhaps. The feeling is exhilarating, am I right, Xander?"

"It is quite pleasurable, sir."

"See, Sana?" I watched her look away, cheeks flushing at being shown up by Xander. It was fun to watch them vying for my attentions. Such children.

"Now, finish up the preparations as you were instructed. Your bloodlust will be curbed shortly. Have I ever held anything back from you, my girl?" I cooed, brushing the back of my hand against her cheek. She didn't pull away at first, but after a moment's hesitation, she took two steps to the side.

"I'm just bored. I've been stuck here for a while."

"I know, Sana. I'm so sorry. It was all for your mission and the experiment though. A mission you have executed very well and an experiment proven to be quite successful. They really had no idea." I wanted to laugh. It was beautiful how confused their faces were when Sana proved to be one of my soldiers.

"In twelve hours we will revisit the clinic. I want to discuss some things with my children before their big send-off." I sank back down into Namjoon's chair and listened to the leather creak.

"Sir, may I speak with you privately?" Sana's voice was quiet and I looked at her sharply before shrugging my agreement to her request. I was bored myself, and a little conversation might keep my mind busy while I wait.

I was never good at waiting, which was partly why I hurried Xander's hybridization along.

"Xander, go check on the status of the project. Sana will rejoin you soon."

"Yes, sir."

I smiled as the uncomfortable lion hybrid walked out of the office and slammed the door behind him. He still didn't realize his strength.

"What did you want to speak about?" I watched Sana take a seat in a chair in front of the desk. She didn't look nervous or anxious.

"Sir, do we need to do this? Is it really necessary?"

I felt my gaze darken. "Why are you questioning me?"

"It just seems like such a waste."

"Of what? Do you remember your life before you came to me begging to be hybridized?"

"Y-yes," she stammered. I saw a crack in her defenses and I relished in it.

"How you begged for me to make you into something that could be powerful enough to never be at the mercy of men ever again? Do you remember, Sana?"

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