A Cold January's Eve

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Thank you for all the lovely comments. I did have a wonderful Christmas, thank you, and I hope it was the same for all of you. I wasn't going to consider making a part 2 at all and just leave it at that one 11,000+ word chapter. However, I had a friend of mine who told me how I could continue off it and so forth. I was hesitant, I'll admit that. So, here is my attempt to continue this by going through New Year's Eve to throughout the month.

(Someone tell me where I mentioned Richard Gilmore still being alive, because he did die!! Because this is supposedly AFTER a year in the life) I think I fixed that plothole, let me know if I missed anything! Thanks guys, love you all!!

Eli slept soundly in his new pajamas. He was alone that night because his mom was forced to go and get some good night's rest and a shower at the command of his dad and Aunt Paris. He had watched her look uncertain until he told her himself that he would be fine.

But in his deep slumber he had a weird dream.

Eli stood in a garden of some sort, he wouldn't know where since he's never left the hospital. He glanced around and caught sparkle of light behind a tree. His curiosity had gotten the better of him and he went in search for what had caught his eye.

Eli walked around bushes and trees and flowers until he came upon a clearing with a running fountain and benches surrounding it. He saw a figure sitting on one of the benches on the far side of the garden, with what looked to be an opened book in his hands.

Eli slowly walked closer to the mysterious figure.

The figure noticed him nearing and looked up. Eli gaped. It was his great grandfather, Straub Hayden.

"Grandfather Raubbie?" Eli breathed.

Straub chuckled at the nickname that his Francine must have slipped into his great grandson's mind. "Hello little Eli. It's great to finally meet you. Francine talks about you a lot and I could wait to meet you."

Eli knew his great grandmother was alive, but...

"How... How did you... I mean... Am I d--dead? Is Frannie d--dead?" Eli asked nervously with a slight wobble in his voice as his eyes turned glassy and his bottom lip began to tremble.

But before he could start crying, Straub spoke up immediately, "No. You are one hundred percent alive and she is most definitely still alive. It is not your time and it will not be your time for a very very long time. Do you hear me?" His low voice of authority awoke Eli's senses.

Eli sniffles before he gained control of his sadness and despair and became focused on the man before him. Eli nodded numbly.

Straub smiled at the way his grandson composed himself. It reminded him of Christopher when he was about the same age as Eli.

"I should probably explain how I got into your dream," Straub reasoned.

Eli nodded in agreement.

"I have come to deliver a few elements of news. I was allowed by heaven's angels to help guide you until my dear Francine returns to me."

"So when Francine goes away, I won't see you any more?" Eli frowned. Tears threatened to fall once again.

"Yes, but I will always be watching over you and you will see me occasionally in dreams if there is news to share, but when that time comes you won't need my guidance anymore."

Eli nodded and looked at his shoes while fidgeting with his fingers nervously.

"Look at me son, do not worry. I can only help you a little, but your parents are your guideposts but make sure to help your mother out when she needs it, and even if she denies help, help her anyways. Your father is a good man and I trust that he will do all he can for you and your mother. Do bond with him, have a few father-son days every month or two. Okay?"

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