The Light of My Life🖤

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Love can never let you get eaten up by the darkness. It lets you live your live for eternity. It makes you feel alive each day, everyday. When you're in Love, you'd see how floating you are in the air of the Love, and how frequently you smile just thinking about the person.

Do you know, when Love lasts forever? When it is balanced by both of the partners. Rather running from the problem and blaming each other, they sit and discuss the problem and fix it together. Which relationship doesn't face problems? The real lovers never give up on each other.

In some circumstances, you will get to see that only one person is trying to solve things out, trying to communicate, trying best to keep on trying, so that the relationship works. And they forget about, what they are dealing with. They forget about putting effort for someone, who barely tries to reach them out, this is as similar as breaking a stone without any hammer. We forget about everything, the only thing matters to us we Love the person and we want to be with them at all cost.

And suddenly we start feeling numb, devastated, shattered when we see that the disappointments are grounding us in the darkness. We forget everything and we start hurting our beloved ones but does anyone ever tried to figure it out why? Does anyone figure it out what's bothering us? No. It's the broken heart we carry along with us, it's the millions of shattered pieces that make us feel so lonely and devastated that we don't even know which part we should pick and which we shouldn't.

Someone once told me, "If the thing is yours, it will be yours forever even it is trapped under seven mountains, and if it's not yours then it'll be taken even if it's in between your lips." You cannot have it, what isn't yours.

These words, mean this much to me that it made me feel alive for the first time. It made me realize what true Love actually is. These words made me believe that what is worthwhile.

And if you truly Love someone, you'll find thousands of excuses to stay, not to leave. If you Love someone only for his or her good things and parts, and if you cannot Love the worse sides of that parts, then Honey, this cannot be Love.
And if that is the case, then it's just an attraction, which stayed for a certain time and now, it's gone. Learn what you are doing to someone before it gets too late to even fix it. If you cannot Love a person for his or her lifetime, do not ruin a precious life. You have no right to choose someone to hurt. The choice of yours is to choose to be happy, not to make a person dead from the inside.

This point of view just changed me into a living person. And honestly, Love doesn't happen with any calculation. You can solve a math by calculating, close an account by calculating. Love just happens. Don't consider you attraction into Love. Love lasts, attraction flactuates. Learn the difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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