I want to gift her for helping uttara in project...

I want to gift her for listening to chachi's boring talks...

I want to gift her for bearing her stupid father...

I want to gift her for caring my twin bro...

I want to gift her for making me fa... "

He stops at that and blushes...

But lucky fails to notice and was doomed in the reasons which he gave...

He was right! It's been only a month he had come but has understood so much about her...

The fb ends with laksh eyes brimming...

Naksh was lost tracing those bangles...

He knew whom the bangles are for and whose thoughts he is lost...

He keeps his hand on naksh shoulder and naksh comes to his sense...

"oh lucky! "

He gets up and both sit on the bed...

And naksh holds his hand...

"actually, I am sorry lucky..
I think I spoke too much.."

"nah... It was me who should be sorry...

I took my frustrations on u..."

"it's okay...u should actually let ur frustrations out... "

"but on a wrong person?" he pouts...

While naksh looks at him surprised...

"u just spoke like ragini...krish used to tell I and ragini are same...

No! U and ur bunny are same to same... "

He laughs while laksh smiles at that...

"that's y! U both are best friends... "

Laksh smiles lightly at that.

"what happened lucky? "

"naksh! I need ur help"

"bolo naa... "

"I feel what u said about swara is true...

I want to bring out her true colours and kick her out of my life... "

"finally... Like finally, u got ur brain back... "

Lucky glares him while naksh palms his face...

"I have a plan... " says lucky.

Naksh looks at that surprised...

And laksh tells him something muted...

While naksh widens his eyes...

"no way... I can't do this... "

"yaar... Please yaar naksh.
Cant u do this small thing for ur twin... "

Naksh thinks for a while and nods okay...

Lucky gets excited and hugs him tightly...

"thank u... Thank u so much"

And thinks : sorry naksh!
I am not doing this for swara... I am doing this for ragini...

I am doing this for myself...
I want to know ragini's feelings...

If at all, any point I feel she likes u...I ll go away from her and never show her my face...

And u both can live happily ever after...

I LOVE YOU... 😍 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now