World Championships Day 3

Start from the beginning

We then made our way backstage to congratulate the ladies and ask if they would want to have lunch which Alena said she would love to but can't so it was just me, Zhenya, Liza, Rika, Kaori, Satoko, Nathan, Jason, and Boyang. The 9 of us then went to have lunch all together and talked about the competition to which Rika said that everyone did so well and she can't wait for the free skate. Liza then said that Rika's 3A has become more consistent. Zhenya also said that this season has been interesting and that she hopes that everyone just skates well and skates their best. Kaori then asked whether the guys were scared for their short program tomorrow to which Jason said that he's just going to focus to do a clean skate while both Boyang and Nathan said they are slightly scared. Especially due to the fact that Yuzu has the 4A now and right when the name Yuzu comes out, Zhenya, Jason, and Liza just looked towards my direction.

"Hilarious, very funny guys. Before you guys ask anything. Congrats to you all, good luck for the free. May the cleanest skater win. And for you men, good luck on your short program. And to who I want to win, not being bias, I want Yuzu for the mens, Rika or Alena for ladies, Sui/Han for pairs, and Papadakis/Cizeron for ice dance" I said, eating my lunch

"That's very specific don't you think (Y/N). But remember, we're all not going down without a fight alright? Especially when we've made a deal" Nathan said, smirking

"Ok Chen, shut it before I smack that smirk on your face. Of course I know you guys are not going down without a fight, I wouldn't want it like anything else. Here's to you guys!!" I said, lifting my drink and we all did a cheers

After lunch, we all then went back to the arena and watch the pairs short program event. And to be honest, I don't really know that much about ice pair nor ice dance. Just the top of the game so I was happy to see Sui/Han come in first and then James/Ciperon in second. While the third one was this Russian pair. After the competition for the day was over, we all then went for dinner and back to our hotel. And because Zhenya thought it would be fun to lighten up the mood, she decided to have a girls night for today. Zhenya invited Liza, Rika, Kaori, and Satoko for a game of monopoly. I love board games but I hate it when it involves truth or dare since I'm pretty sure that this is Zhenya's way to get some juicy drama out of me. Thankfully, so far, I have been winning all the rounds until I told them that we'll play one more round since I have to wake up early tomorrow.

And just my luck, the girls beat me in the last round. Which I'm pretty sure that they planned it together. They then asked me truth or dare which I told them truth since I know whatever dare they come up with must be not good plus it's only 1 question. What's the worst they can ask me? Which is what I thought until they asked me, if I had to choose between Nathan and Yuzu, excluding the fact that they are Olympic athletes, who would I most likely go out with and why. And because I was forced into this and it's a truth as well as my thoughts could change in the future, I just went with Nathan. I told them that if we exclude their Olympic athlete side, I would most likely choose Nathan since we're closer by age as well as the fact that we're both university students and most likely to understand each other better. The girls then giggled and I told them that I was going to head to bed. After saying good nights, it was just me and Zhenya in the room.

"So, (Y/N), Nathan over Yuzu is it?" Zhenya teased and giggled

"Piss off Zhenya, it was just a truth. Plus you guys said if both of them weren't figure skaters. So that's why I went with Nathan. Plus, it's never going to happen anyways" I said, making my back face Zhenya

"You never know (Y/N). Anything could happen. I'm sure that you are here right now is not a coincidence but more like fate. Anyways, good night (Y/N). I'm not going to ask you anything further since I'm sure there will be lots of question to ask you tomorrow. Can't wait for the men's SP event tomorrow" Zhenya said, facing the other side and turning off her side of the lamp

"Anything could happen huh? Yeah right...Yuzu is just like a big brotherwhile Nathan, he's one of my best friends now. Me being here not a coincidence?Maybe...AGH!! I dunno, I'll just sleep this one off and hope for the besttomorrow" I thought to myself as I tried to doze off to sleep, trying not tothink much about what just happened

Hey guys, long time to talk. I know I promised to upload another chapter but it's just that when I was back home, I had other things to do as well as not writing enough. So I firstly apologize for not uploading anything (BUT IN MY DEFENSE, THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER WAS 10K++ WORDS WHICH I DID NOT REALIZE UNTIL I POSTED) Ok, secondly, I apologize for this super duper short chapter. But I am trying to write some more. Along with a new fanfic I just wrote which is about Tom Holland having a 2nd life behind the cameras (THERE'S HINTS OF YUZU AND THE OTHER SKATERS AS WELL). Anyways,  I'm going to slowly back away and try to write as much before all my assignments pack up my schedule. Ok, talk to you all soon. Also, what do you think of the new poster, I edited with photoshop (and believe me when I say it has been nearly 7 years ever since I used photoshop which was back in middle school). OK I'M GONNA SHUT UP AND WRITE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. HOPE Y'ALL HAVE AN AMAZING WEEKEND AND BAI" :D


Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now