The four make it to the other side finding the two he wolves waiting for them patiently.  The girls were surprised by the other side it was warm the sky was blue and the grass was green not covered in white foam like substance. It was beautiful worth the risk. The meadow was such a sight. "Wow! This is ..... beautiful." "Welcome to the alpha lands. Well the sides that are worth looking at." Arthur announces smiling back at the girl's as the soak in the sun. All too happy to smell the flowers, the grass, the soil after it's wetted by the morning dew. All but Olivia who could smell something different, something hurting. She couldn't smell it earlier cause of the cold or was it cause the victim was on the other side. Her head turns  to the three boys infront of her glaring "Who among you three reeks of pain? Don't you dare lie I had the best nose in claws academy." Olivia inquires while scrunching her nose in annoyance. Among all smells in the world she dispised that the most it always reminds her of that familiar stench she had wafted to her nose long before when she arrived home from her pup school that and bleach. Jayden and Arthur quickly point at Oden. Traitors, that fast not giving them a chance to dig deeper. Now he had to handle Oriela he thought avoiding the omega's eyes.

"It doesn't look that bad." "You sure cause it stings my nose." Olivia blurts out."What happened?" Oriela asks concerned about his boyfriend's welfare. Guess you can't keep everything a secret. "Our strong man here got in a fight to save a damsel .... in distress" Arthur reports wiggling his eyes at the angry dark prince. Hahahaha was Arthur on a mission to ruin his life. Oden throws a side glare, a quick warning for him to shut his mouth or things would go a different route. "ODEN!! I was gone for what twenty four hours and you are already jumping in another girl's life." Oriela reprimands walking away from him her concerned look fading now replaced with a cute angry look. He loved that look on her back in highschool when they first met. It's different now. "Really Arthur!?...... It's not what it sounds like, the lunatic is adding his own salt to the story." Oden complains like a whining dog for its bone as he follows Oriela behind leaving the rest of the group laughing at their little drama. "Seriously Arthur you are a pig." Insults Olivia still laughing at the betrayal. "I won't let that offend me I am greedy for entertainment ever since we got back it's been a rare commodity." "Must be tough being elders heirs. I rarely get to see Thecla too. Your parents over working you already." "The future needs new changes with the bloodhound threatening us everyday being overworked is the least of our problems." Jayden answers smiling at the two rays of sunshine a distance away. "Work, we can only do that for our people." Thecla adds.

Oden holds her close to him letting his back face his friends avoiding their annoying sounds and kisses Oriela as a sign of his devotion to her letting her taste his soft lips. "I will never replace you. You are my life line I can't give my life line away." he promises. The princess bites her lower lip happy her man was devoted to her, he studied with a lot of pigs back in the day. If it was not for her title she was surethey would have advanced. Even the white side had it's fair share of idiots. All she could ask herself was what did he see in her or was this a some well written script. Not now, she won't ask that now. "Am sorry for interrupting are we gonna stand here like fake statues and watch this continuous teen drama on loop or are we going to do something else?" Olivia blurts out already uncomfortable by the scene. "Hi Olivia welcome back." "To what your failing life." "Ha! Well Jayden you are in charge of reminding me not talk to her again." Arthur requests sarcastically.

They end up sitting at the meadow enjoying each others company instead. It felt nice to seat among flowers with this peaceful aura around them like the end of a war where everything feels so peaceful for a short time. A silent that lets them say thank you. Thecla draws something on her sketchpad thank the Maker she brought it. Drawing always helped her when she felt anxious, tired, pressured. It was the one activity that gave her peace, she always enjoyed the stroke of her brush the colours, her favorite was the charcoal pencil that would let her capture everything in black and white. At a short distance slept Olivia it was the one time she had a peaceful dream ever since they closed school. With all the nightmares in her room crawling from under the bed to eat her out at night. She enjoyed this short lived peace. Jayden too. His hands holding on to a rose flower looking at the red petals. For once red didn't start up his flashbacks. Ever since he got home he got busy  helping her mother with the spiking problem, the story his brother had told him was true. The bloodhound had a small army that did everything by his bidding. Eyes as black as coal covered in red blood of fresh new victims. There was only so much he could do. So much his mother could do. Here the red in his hands was sticky or disgusting as the one from his punished victims.  Arthur had his fair share of demons. Everyone went back to the horrors they were so happy to escape.

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now