"(F/n), you look great today." He smiled shyly.

"Oi, you're not doing yourself a favour right now. Last time you were nice to me like this at your house I ended up beating the shit out of you." You reminded and he went tomato red.

"I'm so sorry about that, I wa such an idiot and it won't ever happen again." He blabbered and you ruffled his hair.

"Sorry for bringing it up, Kenji. That's my fault, I know you've changed and I trust you. Next time I tease you about this, just punch me alright?" You said, guilt laced in your voice. You felt bad for bringing up something he did a while back when he was clearly a changed person. It must be disheartening for him.

"No no, don't say things like that. I really am sorry. And, mind if I talk to you a little later? Just the two of us. I need to tell you something."

You nodded. "Sure, tell me whenever it is that you need to talk to me. I'll probably be with Tobio." You told him and he nodded.

"See you soon, (f/n)." He called over his shoulder and turned to greet a few people who'd just walked in the door. Getting back on track, you grabbed a plate and filled it with every appealing food item you laid your eyes on and headed back to Kageyama.

You didn't stay long before Kenji came around and found you again, asking for a moment alone with you. You saw Kageyama shrug and pick up a drink and you didn't get to point out that it was alcohol since Kenji dragged you away.

"So?" You asked, expectantly.

"(F/n)." He said.

"Kenji." You responded.

"We're close, right?"

"Well, yeah I'd like to think so. Why?" You asked him.

"I like you, (f/n). And I'm so, so sorry for everything I've done wrong. I'll spend however long necessary to fix it but please, give me a chance to go out with you again." Kenji begged of you, holding both your hands in his.

"I'm sorry." You said softly. "But I like someone else, and there's nothing I can do about it." You sighed.

"Well, we can still be friends right?" Kenji asked.

You smiled. "Of course we can, don't think you can get rid of me that easily." He laughed at that and pulled you into a hug.

"Thanks, (f/n)." He mumbled and you patted his back comfortingly.

Someone patted Kenji's shoulder and asked to go to the roof with him, since she wanted to tell him something. You gave Kenji an encouraging nudge and a wink to the girl for good luck. "You should go to Kageyama, the countdown is about to start." Kenji told you.

"How did you-"

"It's not that hard to figure out with the way you look at him, (f/n). Now go." And with that he left, and you didn't waste any time in finding Kageyama.

Time flew as you spoke to Kageyama about anything and everything, and before you knew it, people were running around trying to find their crushes or significant others to share a kiss for New Years.


"Hey, (f/n)?" He began, looking a little nervous. You wondered what was wrong.




"I'm really glad I'm-"


-"here with you tonight." The chants were loud, but you could hear every single word he was saying. This moment felt somewhat different.


You smiled, "I am too."


"Oh, and one more thing." He added, stepping closer to you.


"What is it?" You asked. He put one hand on the wall, next to your head and the other underneath your chin, tilting your face upwards to look at him.


He leaned closer to your face, his eyes focused on your lips, then glancing at your eyes as if asking for permission.


You nodded weakly, since it was all you could manage. His fingertips caressed your cheek, and you were rooted to the spot, unable to respond to anything else.


"Happy New Year, (f/n)." He whispered and you felt his lips against yours, just as you heard fireworks go off in the distance.

You weren't sure if it were you that was exploding, but in that moment, you didn't particularly care

Kageyama Tobio was kissing me. And boy, was he good at it.


Bahahhahahaha so that happened.

Don't kill me.

I'll update soon I promise, but lmao next chapter is probably gonna have a lil fight oopsieee
Just a heads up that the book is wrapping up in a few more chapters alright?


Stay fabulous babes xo

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