My journal for 1️⃣ & 2️⃣

Start from the beginning

#DAY 16 9/7/19

Today was soooooo good! So freaking good. I've been eating healthy, and school food is boring so it discouraged me to eat. Like the salad is not exactly that healthy.. so I was thinking to bring my own food tomorrow for breakfast, which is a banana. But breaking fast with banana? Is that a good idea I'm not sure but anyways just going to breakfast tomorrow with 2 bananas? And then I'll eat at home, I am LOVING the wrap that I made! So healthy. I also exercised today but I think I ate too much kiwi.. I ate like 3 kiwis because I'm worried they would spoil? I learnt something new today, which is to never buy food that you think will spoil in like 3 days. Dont buy food that are snacks. You dont even need to snack in the first place, its redundant! So day 2 of fasting actually went pretty easy, I think its because previously in secondary school I unconsciously had this routine. Really looking forward to 100 days or even a month! Today I woke up feeling pretty light, and I gotta say, I got to get used to this feeling of lightness and no double chin! Hehehehe!

#DAY 18 11/7/19

Really good week overall. I was quite happy with my meals and didnt thought about dieting. Basically, it felt like a routine to me? Like it was a routine to eat certain timings, and to undergo fasting. I really do enjoy this fasting... even though I ate chicken rice today when is not the best thing I can eat but I dont feel guilty about it, because I didnt overeat. My routine now is having a meal to breakfast, then after that take a snack, then dinner. Yapp but I need to develop the habit to put my snacks all in one place for example I keep taking snacks one by one and then this will make me overeat. Anyways I'm happy at work today though HAHAH Im glad that I've earned some money. Tomorrow is going to be a challenge for me because its Friday! It's the time where I start to lose control of myself. To make sure that doesn't happen, I am going to try to be hard on myself on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays! Hwaiting!

#DAY 19, 12/7/19

HEY! Todays Friday, which means the habit of snacking, letting loose is coming back but this weekend, Im determined to change this bad habit of mine. Anyways I was craving for cereal and oat badly, so I went ahead and ate them but in a controlled portion. I realized that I should cook and eat my proper healthy meal before eating the oats because I would have overeaten the oats. Anyways really hope that this weekend would go well and that day 15 would not come again its only been 4 days and I really dont want to break the record of me trying to fast healthy oh yes I had dairy today though. Oats and milk. I should be avoiding milk because I heard it causes quite a bit of inflammation in our bodies. Therefore, Im still researching what to actually eat for tomorrows breakfast because I have an event tomorrow. Oh yes and what we have at home to eat really matters a lot. For example, if we have cereal at home, then I would crave to eat cereal. If our house have nothing, then I wouldnt crave to eat anything. Side note I have one week of holiday next week and this means I have a lot of time with myself. Hoping that I wouldn't overthink. I just want to get out of my house in order to stop these cravings, at least go to the library or something for tomorrow I think I will be trying to finish my oats first and get rid of the milk as well... 😊

#DAY20 13/7/19

Its Saturday today and I really have strong cravings to eat right now. Its currently 8:50am and I feel like eating.. my cravings are really strong on Saturdays eh? Why cant they be as calm as on Mondays. Anyways, I'm going to have my first meal at 11am and leave house at 1:40PM.

Going to finish my oat and granola.. thats for breakfast. For this weekend I really wanna prove to myself that I can do it for this weekend so that other weekends would be easier for me to adapt to. Hopefully next week would be easy because I have no school, nothing can interfere with my meals. anyways cya hop that I dont break anything today.

Update: Dang hi its currently 12PM right now and for lunch I just consumed a huge amount if RICE. Because my parents bought fried rice after eating like half of the fried rice I didnt wanted to eat anymore because it makes me bloat and experience a food coma.. But then I thought about the fact that I'm wasting food makes me just feel so bad. so I just ate all of the rice.. but its going to be along day today so for dinner I'm just going to skip out the rice part.. although I dont really want to eat the rice I could eat the other ingredients then.. Oh yes and I researched about food coma, rice. And I learnt that eating more carbs makes you enter into a food coma easier, compared to a high protein meal. Oh and IF really gives me more energy to do things like when I exercised today, it felt really good because I didnt feel tired I searched that eating food does makes you tired because all the blood is going to your digestive system to digest the food, therefore less blood flow to your other parts of your body, therefore I feel even more tired! Amazing right?

This marks the end of my journal I wrote for week one and two~ If you are facing some difficulties in the beginning, you're not alone! feel free to comment if you need any help or would like to know more.

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