The Journey Back

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"Wait, so she's still... a kid?!" Beast Boy asked. "I got thrown back in time to Raven's home," Beast Boy screamed, grabbing his hair and ripping some out.

"So you're from the future. Interesting," Arella calmly considered.

"Um, hello! How is this interesting?! How am I suppose to get back to my time? I can't just wait until we make the Teen-"

"Stop," Arella interrupted. "If you tell me too much of the future, it may influence your present." Beast Boy rubbed his head.

"Ugh, time paradox. Man, I hate those," Beast Boy muttered, Arella gave a small smile. The green teen looked at her. She definitely looked like Raven. She even smiled like Raven. Except for her normal skin complexion, Beast Boy could see where Raven got her beauty from. Her purple hair cut short and somehow Beast Boy could see hints of leg flesh through her white robe, which meant she also had beautiful legs. Beast Boy shook his head. It was NOT okay to think about your friend's mom like that.

"Is something wrong?" Arella asked.

"Nothing, just... everything is kind," Beast Boy laughed. Arella nodded in understanding. "So... how do I get back?"

"Only the great Azar can tell us," Arella replied, "I will contact her immediately." She clasped her hands together and started to chant an old mantra.

"What the-" Beast Boy was knocked back as a burst of light shown above Arella's head. "WHOA!"

"Who calls upon the name of Azar," Said a woman's voice. Beast Boy looked and saw an old wise-looking woman floating in the air.

"Um... me?" Beast Boy nervous said.

"My great Azar. This boy is looking for passage back home. He was sent back in time to this place. He is... friends with my daughter," Arella said. Azar looked intrigued.

"What is your name, young man?" Azar asked. She spoke with a motherly voice, yet in a commanding tone.

"Ggg. Garfield, but most call me Beast Boy." Azar closed her eyes. Beast Boy couldn't help but notice that Azar looked a lot older than he thought. Raven once told the team about her training with Azar. He imagined she would be old, but not great grandmother old. She wore a bright golden robe and she had a hood on. Beast Boy guessed it was to 'calm her brightness down'.

"Ah yes, you were sent back in time by the Amulet of North-A-Gath."

"North-A-What?" Garfield asked.

"This is a powerful amulet has the power to send people back in time, but it seems to only go backwards. This amulet has been known to take mortals places that are...very random. You can not use it to go back to your former time," Azar replied sadly. "However, there is a way to get you back but..."

"But what?" Beast Boy asked.

"There is a spell to send you back, but you yourself have to do it. We can not send you back."

"Great Azar, that would mean that he has to become a learner in the ways of Azarath and all the other mystic arts," Arella clarified. Azar nodded.

"What? So I'm going to become a magician? Awesome!" Beast Boy celebrated. Azar simply smiled.

"It's more than that. As you will soon learn, your normal powers do not function because of the mystical cancellation spell from your journey here. You will have to learn how to use powers that you have never comprehended before," Azar warned, "Arella will be your instructor for this task." With that, the mystical woman was gone in a flash.

"Whoa," Garfield whispered. "So... I'm going to learn magic?"

"You'll first need to learn the basic spells and incantations. How were you as a student on earth?" Arella asked, trying to gauge his academic ability.

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