Aug: (kisses your lips and down your neck) mmhmm

Yn: (tilts your head as you rub your hands over Augs chest) dont get something started

Aug: (sucks on your ear softly) I might get it started but I sure as hell can finish it

Yn: (smiles and bites your lip) prove it 

Aug:  Say no more (Picks you up and kisses down your chest)

Yn: (giggles and wraps your arms around his neck)

The next morning:

Yn: (sleeping)

Aug: (arms wrapped around your waist)

Gabby: (walks in your room and taps your arm) mommy

Yn: (opens eyes slowly and sits up slightly) whats wrong baby?

Gabby: can I sleep with you

Aug: (looks over your shoulder) of course get in here (opens the covers)

Gabby: (climbs in) I have a question

Yn: what is it (brushes her hair out of her hair)

Gabby: why were you and daddy clapping all night 

Aug: (looks at you and smiles)

You: (Looks at Aug with big eyes) ummm

Gabby: and you said "thanks you God" were you praying mommy?

Aug: (bust out laughing)

You: (laughs and hits Augs arm) yes baby we were praying, but enough about that do you wanna go to the park today?

Gabby: (claps her hands) yayy

Later that evening:

Yn: stop it right now before I whoop you Gabrielle (pulling her into the house)

Gabby: (throwing a tantrum) I wanna go back to the park nowwww

Yn: ¡Basta ya, o te gritaré el trasero!

Gabby: (screaming) 

Yn: Te odio mami!

Aug: Hey hey, what going on?

Yn: (drops your purse on the ground and picks Gabby up off the floor and sits her on the couch) you better stop it right now little girl do you hear me!

Aug: Hey! Whats going on.

Yn: We were at that damn park for almost two hours August and she threw a tantrum when I told her it was time to go she made a fool out of me 

Aug: (holds your waist and kisses your forehead) its ok baby go take a breather I got this.

Yn: (walks into your bedroom and slams the door)

Gabby: (sitting on the couch with her arms crossed)

Aug: (kneels down and looks a Gabby) Gabby

Gabby: (looks at yes daddy

Aug: why are you acting out? 

Gabby: Mommy wouldnt let me play, I hate her!

Aug: Dont say that. You have to stop acting out ok.

Gabby: (pout) ok

Aug: ok (kisses her cheek) go to your room

Gabby: (go to her room)

Aug: (walks into your room) you ok baby

Yn: No Aug, shes never acted like that before

Aug: baby you have to cut her some slack, shes missed you, an-

Yn: Her missing me doesnt give her the right to act out 

Aug: (sighs) Yn, you are never here, shes always with a sitter. She asked me if you still loved her or if shes done something wrong, if thats the reas-

Yn: are you fucking kidding me August, Im gone to make sure we can keep up this lavish life style,reason she has all those clothes and shoes in her closet, the reaso-

Aug: Wow really, Yn. I work too, this isnt all your doing

Yn: You haven't made a song in 8 months August like fuck come on! I bust my ass in that OR every day, saving lives, you just make the music that listen to while they wait for their tests to be run (takes off your shoes)

Aug: (laughs) wow you know what (picks up his keys) fuck you, fuck you, your job, your money, just fuck you. (walks into the living room ) Gabby lets go, now come on.

Yn: August (walks out after him)

Aug: I dont wanna hear it save it, take it to the fucking OR Yn.

Yn: (gets teary eyed) Aug please (touches his arm)

Aug: (snatches his arm away) Dont fucking touch me , Gabrielle COME ON.

Gabby: (walks into the living room)

Aug: (picks her up and walks to the door)

Yn: where are you going August (follows him to the door)

Aug: Dont worry about it, go to work (slams the door)

Yn: (starts crying)

Will He Change pt2Where stories live. Discover now