Despite my efforts, we made our way down to the field, through the masses of celebrating people. Passed all the flashing cameras. Candy dragged me to where Dante was — near the rest of the celebrating team.

"Baby!" Dante yelled as he looked up towards Candy, he smiled as he ran towards her and spun her around in the air. They were so in love it made me sick. They were the epitome of couple goals; together since freshman year. My best friends since middle school. I'd admit to the slight prick of jealousy that irked me every time I got forced into their presence. It got old being stuck at the sidelines of their perfect relationship.

"Hello, to you too" I sighed in annoyance. Watching them jam their tongues into each other's mouths wasn't exactly what I did for fun.

"I'm... going home," I mumbled to myself, leaving their spontaneous make-out session uninterrupted. I would have sworn they were a second away from spacing and I didn't want to be around to see that. They were so encapsulated by each other that they hadn't noticed my departure.

The parking lot was almost derelict with cars. Everyone had headed for the after-party. I, however, planned to head home. I pulled my phone out to call an Uber, conjuring an excuse to say to my overprotective mother upon arrival.

"What the fuck, Ronan!" The unappetising voice of the girlfriend echoed through the empty parking lot. "I'm not asking for the fucking moon! — "

Their argument comprised of various curses, and when it was over, the girlfriend walked off in a fit of rage. Barbie-esk as she strutted away. Blonde hair, long legs and all. Ronan ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he watched her walk off.

"Jenna!" He yelled after her.

"Leave me alone, we're through, Ronan!" She yelled back as she climbed into a car, slamming the door in a tantrum. I chuckled to myself. It seemed our star player was a slacking dominant, incapable of keeping his sub in check. That had nothing to do with me, but I was as interested as anyone would be. I mean, who wouldn't want a sneak peek into the relationship of the school's power couple. If you say no, then you'd be lying; there's a reason why people love celebrity weddings and reality shows.

He ran a frustrated fist through his hair again as he looked around the parking lot. As he realised that their fight didn't go unnoticed; our eyes met amid his wander.

See, that was the thing about being the centre of the universe. The rest of us normies were always watching. Waiting for things like this to happen. Waiting to watch your downfall from where ever we were in the stadium. Tomorrow this would be the talk of the town and knowing Astonville, news like this could hit the tabloids by midnight.

He was like a celebrity in our insignificant city because here all we ever had was football. Everyone knew who he was, girls wanted to be with him and guys wanted to be him. He, much to my distaste, was a living embodiment of the cliche jock. Rowdy and cocky and "dominant".

But I'd be a liar to say he wasn't a beautiful boy. A nice body and pretty face were hard to ignore, the fact that he was always the talk of the town made sure of it.

He wasn't so cocky anymore. That gleaming smile he'd graced us with before had lost its glitter, it was abandoned somewhere; gone. It made me wonder if it was all an act. On the field and during school he acted like he was the king of the world, but now he looked normal and human. He looked sad and frustrated and powerless, just like the rest of us. It was as if something had pulled him back to the ground, and now he was stuck here until he learnt to fly again.

And there it was again — that fascination, that awe, that wonder. It returned to me in an instant. Our eye's held onto each other — stalled, unable to look away.

There was something different about him, something unsettling, something I hoped wasn't true. For some odd reason, my heart was racing, ready to leap from the confines of my chest. It was as if the ground had disappeared, and I had to roam the shattered remnants. 

I felt like was I floating, and falling, and flying all at once, but never in sync. A lopsided mantra of a truth bared deep in my mouth. My teeth are tectonic plates, and the utterance of anything will be an earthquake. A disaster I cannot rebuild.

And then came this urge, this unrelenting urge, tugging at my bones and feasting on my flesh. I wanted to bring him to his knees. I wanted to see his hands bound behind his back, his head bowed down, awaiting my arrival. I wanted to see certain emotions swirl through him at a single touch. I wanted to be the reason he lost control.

He was my confirmation. The living embodiment of a truth I concealed from even myself. I was a female dominant, one of the few. My hands clenched into fists, balls of rage belonging to no one. I trembled, my mind unable to make sense of this. I wasn't a sub like they taught us girls should be. My exile from normality was final now, and it was his fault.

I had fallen into my space once before; I hadn't laid eyes on a potential in a long time. Male submissives were as rare as female dommes and in my mind, I had amassed that I would never find another one. He was a sub. And we were compatible. Who would have thought the centre of the universe; the shining star of Astonville — would be a submissive? He played the perfect dominant, he'd mastered the act of mimicry so well that no one saw through the cracks. But now... now I could.

He stood still. So still that one would believe he died standing. Awe and fear battled on his face as he stared back at me. His skin flushing to a deep rose, I knew he was in near space too. I don't know how I knew, but I did.

I felt myself sinking into the floor, and slowly I felt myself falling into my space. Euphoria enveloped me, the urge to make him submit to my will was becoming stronger. Flashes of things too crude to think adhered to my thoughts like leeches. Devouring them as if they were always theirs to have. My chest sinks. I can't breathe. I want nothing more than to dominate him. But I can't. I know that I can't and that knowledge alone burns the inside of my skull. My patience was wearing away.

So I did the only thing that I could think of. I ran. And I never looked back. Not even once.

Dear Rico, it's cold tonight.

Haha, Rico!

Is this some sort of joke?

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