"Should I go in first or do you want to?" Ethan asked.

Mitchell shook his head as a thought occurred to him. "Can we cuddle? In the water I- I mean," he asked.

Ethan nodded. "Of course Blue, whatever you want," he said and got into the tub first.

Mitchell took in a deep breath as he got in after Ethan, settling right between Ethan's legs. The two boys let out huge sighs of relief of Mitchell sat down. Since he was a few centimeters away from Ethan, the blonde boy brought his arm around Mitchell's torso, whispering, "Come closer Blue." This made Mitchell shudder.

The older boy sighed as he leaned back and rested on Ethan's body, taking in Ethan's warmth. The sensations he felt by being in the water, as well as being so close to Ethan in this way helped him relax and clear his mind. He loved Ethan's gentle rubs on his body and the tingles that shot up his spine each passing moment was enough to tell him that. He wasn't even worried when he felt Ethan's member rising and getting hard against his butt. Mitchell's member wasn't any different and since Ethan made no motion to let this get sexual, Mitchell thought nothing of it.

It wasn't long until the water started getting cold and the boys decided to get to bed, lest their bodies got wrinkled.

Ethan wrapped Mitchell up in one of his towels. This reminded him of when Mitchell first spent the night at his place. His boyfriend was so fucking cute and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. After they dried themselves, Ethan gave Mitchell one of his sweatshirts and pants, which were quite big on him, but neither of them were complaining.

Then, despite Mitchell's protests, Ethan carried him bridal style to their bed and laid him gently on it. He really couldn't get over how cute Mitchell looked at that moment, so he leaned in and kissed him. Mitchell returned the kiss and it heated up. Soon, he was in between Ethan's legs as they made out like their lives depended on it.

When Ethan pulled back for hair, his lips were swollen, and Mitchell looked a hot mess, blushing fiercely. He chuckled at that and laid beside him. Putting his arm on Mitchell's torso, he pulled the boy closer and they were soon spooning.

"I'm so happy you're here with me," he whispered as he placed a kiss on Mitchell's shoulder.

"Me too," Mitchell whispered back and linked his fingers with Ethan's, not wanting to let him go. "I love you."

Ethan smiled, overjoyed that the boy in his arms loved him the same way he did him. "I love you too, Blue," he responded and fell asleep with a smile on his face.


"Hey," the blonde boy whispered, nudging Mitchell gently. "Wake up," he said. Ethan had been awake for close to an hour now and it was almost six in the morning. Although their math the night before had helped him relax, Ethan felt tired and wanted to sleep in, but he knew he couldn't. Not only did they have to get ready for school, he had to get his sisters to their school too.

He watched how peaceful Mitchell looked in his sleep, and the boy needed all the peace he could get after what was happening. Last night had been wonderful and it pained Ethan that reality was knocking on their door now.

He tucked Mitchell's hair behind his ear, licking his lips at how cute the boy looked. Mitchell's red and pouty lips just looked ready to be kissed and Ethan couldn't wait till he woke up so he could kiss him. "Blue," he whispered, hoping the boy could hear him.

Mitchell's eyes fluttered open after a short while. He blinked a few times and smiled when he saw Ethan looking down at him. "Hi," he greeted.

"Hey Blue, how did you sleep?"

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