"Would you believe me if I said, purely accidental," Daniel offers. 

"There is no accidental time travel," Rikkar accuses. 

"Tell that to my insurance agent and the hole in the Atlantic Ocean into which both my boat and I fell," Daniel corrects. 

"If what you say is true, then there is perhaps a rift of instability caused by something," theorizes Rikkar.

"Well, how about not fuckin' around with it? It could be causing irreversible harm affecting your plane and ripping the dark matter occupying space fabric to shreds," claims Daniel.

"I could say the same of your visit here," counters Rikkar. 

"Mine was accidental as opposed to your itinerary designed down to playing shuffleboard and bingo with the natives," Daniel sourly remarks.

"And flaunting your time period's technological advances has helped how?" Rikkar admonishes.

"That was unavoidable. And it increased my survival chances. Not knocking it. We're not getting anywhere on this topic, and we're confusing the hell outta poor Jaakko," reminds Daniel. 

"Decrepid creature has no clue of that which we speak," Rikkar condescends. 

"Now hold on a damned minute. He's not a creature! He's a human being existing a few centuries before we were merely a thought in our parents loins. And besides, he's Jack from my time," Daniel chides Rikkar. 

"He's what or rather whom?" Rikkar spits his coffee being caught off guard.

"He's Jack. A guy I met ingloriously in my time. Oh wait, you probably don't believe in reincarnation," Daniel dismisses while glancing above the rim of his mug.  

"If you mean that we've lived lives before, absolutely not. It's not within the parameters of space time continuum," Rikkar curtly rejects. 

"Why not? We're both living in times whose planes could diverge, depending upon what we do right now. What I saw as I was descending into the depths of the ocean prove that more technologically and spiritually advanced people lived before either you or me," Daniel projects. 

"All a product of a confused state due to the overwhelming experience, I'm sure," Rikkar contends. 

"No, I know him as I know myself. And if his heart becomes softened, he may not attack Richard in the future and leave him a insecure man. 

"I admire your kind nature, but I seriously doubt your self-sacrificing efforts will prove beneficial. In addition, your mere appearance could jeopardize my mission," claims Rikkar.

"What mission? And how does that effect my future? My lines as most people in the western world connect to the Viking gene pool, and particularly this King Gudrod as he produces the line of King Harald FairHair who marries into the royalty of Western Europe. And I'm in that line! You change one facet, and I'm 'history', pun intended," Daniel defends. 

"A small bump in time, my friend. You are insignificant, but he is not. If I can prevent his death, he will have more children in which to lengthen the dna line," assures Rikkar. 

"Your time and ethics are seriously twisted dude," Daniel denounces. 

"Please, don't interfere with our important goals. I don't want to see you hurt, but if his death is not avoided, the future of an entire race of people hang in the balance," claims Rikkar. 

"It already will be hanging in the balance. If you make a change that drastic, there's no telling if there ever will be a future worth living. Wars will be decided that would put the planet back into the Dark Ages. My plane may not exist in order for yours to be built upon the shoulders of the past. There won't be any past!," Daniel argues vehemently.  

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