Chapter 1

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"Close up the shop when your done, Mary." Jeff calls over to me where I am slaving away in the back of the storage room.

I turn to yell at him but before I can respond, he winks at me and runs out the door. I drop the boxes in my arm and dash out behind Jeff.

"Jeff you can't leave me alone to do all your dirty work." I huff and cross my arms as he fumbles with his keys.

Ugh, I can't believe he wants me to stay at the antique shop again. Especially when it is his turn.

He unlocks his car door but stops to look at me. "I will make it up to you." He says with a twinkle in his eyes while hopping in his car and locking it.

"But its your turn," I stomp my foot childishly. He rolls the window down and chuckles. "See you in the morning, pumpkin," Jeff says with a smirk. Then he drives off leaving me alone in the dark.

Oh, man the next time I see Jeff I will make him pay, I think evily to myself.

I decide that I might as well finish up putting away the donations. 2 hours later I finally finish picking up and putting away the boxes of trinkets. As I look at the time on my phone I can see that it is now 11:52.

Groaning to myself, I get up and grab the store keys from the counter that Jeff left behind. I changed the open sign to close and lock the doors.

As I walk out the doors to the fall weather, I wrap my loose cardigan around my body more securely to help protect me from the soft wind. Since I dont have a car to drive home in, I have to walk. It's not that bad though because I live about three blocks away.

Its just that I am new here at Sheridan' s Town and I attempt to get lost easily, like yesterday night I asked an old women if she new where Wild Berry Rode was and it turned out I was behind it. But today I don't have a problem finding my way home because I drew my self a map if I get lost; I am such a smart cookie I think to myself. plus, if the map doesn't help me then, I will just call that sweet old lady from yesterday. Her name is Sara, by the way, and she told me that if I needed any help then to just call her. Grinning to myself I begin to walk down the deserted street.

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